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Translating a plan into action a public health action plan to prevent heart disease and stroke.


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A Public Health Action Plan to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke charts a course for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and collaborating public health agencies, with all interested partners and the public at large, to help in promoting achievement of national goals for preventing heart disease and stroke over the next 2 decades-through 2020 and beyond. The Action Plan was released in April 2003 and includes 24 recommendations and 69 proposed action steps to be implemented now and in the years ahead. To set priorities for action and to define a limited set of concrete tasks for immediate implementation, a process was undertaken that included CDC and lead partners, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association and Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, as well as the Action Plan Working Group and other members of the National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. This report presents details of the methods used and discussion of this process and itsoutcome. The process was facilitated by Concept Systems, Inc. and began with refinement of proposed action steps to yield a final list of 75 items. Next, the Action Plan Working Group and the full National Forum membership were invited to rate each proposed action step as to its relation to the mission and capacity of the organization represented by each respondent. This process, with review and discussion of results by the Working Group in January 2004, identified a subset of 22 priority action steps. The National Forum then met in April 2004 to discuss these priorities and ultimately adopted eight concrete tasks for immediate implementation.
机译:《预防心脏病和中风的公共卫生行动计划》为疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)以及与所有感兴趣的合作伙伴和广大公众合作的公共卫生机构制定了路线图,以帮助促进实现以下目标的国家目标:在接下来的20年(直到2020年及以后)中预防心脏病和中风。该行动计划于2003年4月发布,其中包括24项建议和69项拟议的行动步骤,这些措施将在现在和未来几年内实施。为了确定行动的优先级并定义立即执行的有限的具体任务,已进行了一个过程,其中包括疾病预防控制中心和主要合作伙伴,美国心脏协会/美国中风协会以及国家和地区卫生官员协会以及行动计划工作组和全国心脏病和中风预防论坛的其他成员。本报告介绍了所用方法的详细信息以及对该过程及其结果的讨论。该过程由Concept Systems,Inc.推动,并从改进拟议的行动步骤开始,最终得出75个项目。接下来,行动计划工作组和全国论坛的正式成员应邀对每个拟议行动步骤与每个受访者代表的组织的使命和能力之间的关系进行了评分。工作组在2004年1月审查并讨论了结果,确定了22个优先行动步骤的子集。全国论坛随后于2004年4月开会讨论了这些优先事项,并最终通过了八项具体任务以立即执行。



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