首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Migration and Diversity in Roman Britain: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Identification of Immigrants in Roman York, England

Migration and Diversity in Roman Britain: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Identification of Immigrants in Roman York, England


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Previous anthropological investigations at Trentholme Drive, in Roman York identified an unusual amount of cranial variation amongst the inhabitants, with some individuals suggested as having originated from the Middle East or North Africa. The current study investigates the validity of this assessment using modern anthropological methods to assess cranial variation in two groups: The Railway and Trentholme Drive. Strontium and oxygen isotope evidence derived from the dentition of 43 of these individuals was combined with the craniometric data to provide information on possible levels of migration and the range of homelands that may be represented. The results of the craniometric analysis indicated that the majority of the York population had European origins, but that 11% of the Trentholme Drive and 12% of The Railway study samples were likely of African decent. Oxygen analysis identified four incomers, three from areas warmer than the UK and one from a cooler or more continental climate. Although based on a relatively small sample of the overall population at York, this multidisciplinary approach made it possible to identify incomers, both men and women, from across the Empire. Evidence for possible second generation migrants was also suggested. The results confirm the presence of a heterogeneous population resident in York and highlight the diversity, rather than the uniformity, of the population in Roman Britain. Am J Phys Anthropol 140:546-561, 2009.
机译:先前在罗马约克(Roman York)的特伦霍姆大道(Trentholme Drive)进行的人类学调查发现,居民中颅骨变异的数量异常多,有人建议其起源于中东或北非。当前的研究使用现代人类学方法调查评估这种评估的有效性,以评估两组的颅骨变异:铁路和特伦霍姆通道。将来自这些人的43个牙齿的锶和氧同位素证据与颅骨学数据相结合,以提供有关可能的迁移水平和可代表的家园范围的信息。颅骨分析的结果表明,约克的大多数人口起源于欧洲,但是Trentholme Drive的11%和The Railway研究的样本的12%可能是非洲体面的。氧气分析确定了四个收入来源,其中三个来自比英国更热的地区,另一个来自较凉爽的或大陆性气候。尽管基于约克总人口的相对较小的样本,但这种多学科方法使得有可能从整个帝国中识别出男女的收入者。还提出了可能的第二代移民的证据。结果证实了存在于约克的异类人口的存在,并突显了罗马英国人口的多样性而不是均匀性。 Am J Phys Anthropol 140:546-561,2009年。



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