首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Violence and weapon-related trauma at puruchuco-huaquerones, Peru

Violence and weapon-related trauma at puruchuco-huaquerones, Peru


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Conquest of indigenous peoples in North America is understood primarily through ethnohistorical documents, archaeological evidence, and osteological analyses. However, in the Central Andes, the colonial enterprise and its effects are understood only from post-contact historical and ethnohistorical sources. Few archaeological and bioarchaeological studies have investigated Spanish Conquest and colonialism in the Andean region [for exceptions see Klaus and Tam: Am J Phys Anthropol 138 (2009) 356-368; Wernke, in press; and Quilter, in press]. Here we describe bioarchaeological evidence of violence from the cemeteries of Huaquerones and 57AS03 within the archaeological zone of Puruchuco-Huaquerones, Peru (circa A.D. 1470-1540). A total of 258 individuals greater than 15 years of age were analyzed for evidence of traumatic injuries. Individuals were examined macroscopically and evidence of traumatic injuries was analyzed according to the skeletal element involved, the location of the injury on the skeletal element, and any additional complications of the injury. This study examines and compares the evidence of perimortem injuries on skeletonized individuals from the two cemeteries and focuses specifically on the interpretation of weapon-related perimortem injuries. Evidence of perimortem trauma is present in both cemeteries (18.6%, 48/258); however, the frequency of injuries in 57AS03 is greater than that in Huaquerones (25.0% vs. 13.0%). Several injuries from 57AS03 are consistent with documented cases of injuries from firearms and 16th Century European weapons. We believe that the nature and high frequency of perimortem trauma at 57AS03 provide evidence of the violence that occurred with Spanish Conquest of the Inca Empire.
机译:征服北美土著人民主要是通过种族历史文献,考古证据和骨学分析来了解的。但是,在安第斯中部地区,殖民地的企业及其影响只能从接触后的历史和民族史资料中了解。很少有考古学和生物考古学研究调查过安第斯地区的西班牙征服和殖民主义[有关例外情况,请参见《克劳斯和塔姆:Am J Phys Anthropol 138(2009)356-368; Wernke,在新闻中;和Qui缝机,印刷中]。在这里,我们描述了秘鲁Puruchuco-Huaquerones考古区内的Huaquerones和57AS03墓地暴力行为的生物考古学证据(约公元1470-1540年)。总共对15岁以上的258个人进行了分析,以寻找创伤性受伤的证据。对个体进行宏观检查,并根据所涉及的骨骼元素,伤口在骨骼元素上的位置以及任何其他伤口并发症分析创伤性损伤的证据。这项研究检查并比较了来自两个墓地的骷髅个体上的尸体伤害证据,特别侧重于武器相关的尸体伤害的解释。两个墓地都有尸体外伤的证据(18.6%,48/258);但是,57AS03的受伤频率高于Huaquerones(25.0%对13.0%)。 57AS03造成的几处伤害与枪支和16世纪欧洲武器造成的伤害案件有据可查。我们认为,在57AS03处尸体外伤的性质和高频率提供了西班牙征服印加帝国时发生的暴力的证据。



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