首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Enamel microstructure of the hominid KB 5223 from Kromdraai, South Africa

Enamel microstructure of the hominid KB 5223 from Kromdraai, South Africa

机译:来自南非克姆德拉伊的原始人KB 5223的搪瓷显微结构

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The Plio-Pleistocene site of Kromdraai, South Africa, is well known for the recovery of the holo-type of Paranthropus robustus, one of nine individual hominids recovered from this site to date. Among the Kromdraai sample, the specimen KB 5223 comprises several isolated deciduous and permanent lower teeth assigned to Paranthropus, the only recognized genus at this site. However, a more recent analysis of this specimen suggested that it should be classified as Homo. The lower right first permanent molar of KB 5223 had been previously sectioned along the tips of the mesial cusps, exposing its enamel microstructure. Previous studies had indicated differences between Homo and Paranthropus at the microstructural level. A portable confocal scanning microscope was used to describe details of the enamel microstructure of the M-1 and I-1 of this specimen. Angles formed between the striae of Retzius and the enamel dentine junction (EDJ), daily secretion rates in cuspal enamel of the protoconid and metaconid and crown formation time of the RM1 are provided. The number of perikymata on the right I-1 was counted. Results indicate that some features recorded in the KB 5223 molar differ from those of Paranthropus. However, the number of perikymata on the I-1 is lower than values so far reported for early Homo but similar to Paranthropus. Crown formation time of KB 5223 M-1 was markedly lower than mean values of M-1 in H. sapiens, but similar to other early hominids. Daily secretion rates in the cuspal enamel of KB 5223 M, were higher than in modern humans.
机译:南非Kromdraai的Plio-Pleistocene站点以恢复完整型的Paranthropus strongus闻名,这是迄今为止从该站点回收的9个原始人之一。在Kromdraai样品中,标本KB 5223包含几个分离的乳齿和永久性下颌齿,这些齿被分配给Paranthropus,这是该部位唯一公认的属。但是,对该标本的最新分析表明,应将其归类为同质。 KB 5223的右下第一永久性磨牙先前已沿牙尖的尖端切开,露出了牙釉质的微结构。先前的研究表明,人和副手在微观结构上存在差异。使用便携式共聚焦扫描显微镜描述该标本的M-1和I-1釉质微观结构的细节。提供了Retzius纹和牙釉质牙本质交界处(EDJ)之间形成的角度,原胚突和子胚突的id骨牙釉质的每日分泌率以及RM1的牙冠形成时间。计数右侧I-1的骨膜瘤数目。结果表明,KB 5223磨牙中记录的某些特征与拟副手的特征不同。但是,I-1上的骨膜周围膜的数目比迄今为止报道的早期人类低,但与拟副手相似。 KB 5223 M-1的冠形成时间显着低于智人中M-1的平均值,但与其他早期人类相似。 KB 5223 M的骨牙釉质中的每日分泌率高于现代人类。



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