首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >In poor families, mothers' milk is richer for daughters than sons: A test of Trivers-Willard hypothesis in agropastoral settlements in Northern Kenya

In poor families, mothers' milk is richer for daughters than sons: A test of Trivers-Willard hypothesis in agropastoral settlements in Northern Kenya


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The Trivers-Willard hypothesis predicts the unequal parental investment between daughters and sons, depending on maternal condition and offspring reproductive potential. Specifically, in polygynous populations where males have higher reproductive variance than females, it predicts that mothers in good condition will invest more in sons, whereas mothers in poor condition will invest more in daughters. Previous studies testing this hypothesis focused on behavioral investment, whereas few examined biological investment. This study investigates the Trivers-Willard hypothesis on both behavioral and biological parental investment by examining breastfeeding frequencies and breast milk fat concentrations. Data from exclusively breastfeeding mothers in Northern Kenya were used to test hypotheses: Economically sufficient mothers will breastfeed sons more frequently than daughters, whereas poor mothers will breastfeed daughters more frequently than sons, and economically sufficient mothers will produce breast milk with higher fat concentration for sons than daughters, whereas poor mothers will produce breast milk with higher fat concentration for daughters than sons. Linear regression models were applied, using breastfeeding frequency or log-transformed milk fat as the dependent variable, and offspring's sex (son = 1/daughter = 0), socioeconomic status (higher = 1/lower = 0), and the sex-wealth interaction as the predictors, controlling for covariates. Our results only supported the milk fat hypothesis: infant's sex and socioeconomic status interacted (P = 0.014, n = 72) in their relation with milk fat concentration. The model estimated that economically sufficient mothers produced richer milk for sons than daughters (2.8 vs. 0.6 gm/dl) while poor mothers produced richer milk for daughters than sons (2.6 vs. 2.3 gm/dl). Further research on milk constituents in relation to offspring's sex is warranted.
机译:Trivers-Willard假说预测了母子之间不平等的父母投资,具体取决于母体状况和后代的生殖潜力。特别是,在多性生殖人群中,男性的生殖变异性高于女性,它预测处于良好状态的母亲将在儿子身上投资更多,而处于贫困状态的母亲将在女儿身上投资更多。先前测试该假设的研究集中在行为投资上,而很少研究生物投资。本研究通过检查母乳喂养频率和母乳脂肪浓度,研究了行为和生物学父母投入的特里弗斯-威拉德假说。肯尼亚北部完全由母乳喂养的母亲的数据用于检验假设:经济上足够的母亲比儿子更频繁地喂养儿子,而贫穷的母亲比儿子更频繁地喂养女儿,经济上足够的母亲为儿子生产的母乳中脂肪含量更高贫穷的母亲将为女儿生产的母乳中的脂肪含量比儿子高。应用线性回归模型,以母乳喂养频率或对数转换的乳脂为因变量,后代的性别(儿子= 1 /女儿= 0),社会经济地位(较高= 1 /较低= 0)和性别财富互动作为预测因素,控制协变量。我们的结果仅支持乳脂假说:婴儿的性别和社会经济地位与乳脂浓度之间存在相互作用(P = 0.014,n = 72)。该模型估计,经济上足够的母亲为儿子生产的牛奶比女儿多(2.8比0.6 gm / dl),而贫穷母亲为女儿生产的牛奶比儿子多(2.6 vs. 2.3 gm / dl)。有必要进一步研究与后代性别有关的牛奶成分。



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