首页> 外文期刊>植物工场学会誌 >Effect of LED-light stimulation at specific frequencies on lettuce growth

Effect of LED-light stimulation at specific frequencies on lettuce growth


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Plant growth rate can be controlled by adjusting both the light quality and during light and dark transition. Light intensity and time also have an effect on growth rate. We investigated the effects of low-intensity light irradiation of specific frequency on the growth and inorganic contents of lettuce in the field. Lettuce was cultivated using three types of nutrient solution (complete nutrition, NO_3-N-excessive, NO_3-N-deficient). Light sources were red and yellow LEDs, which are low-cost artificial light sources used in plant production. Leaves were irradiated by pulsed LED-light for several hours each day. Red and yellow LED-light stimulation of specific frequency (20 Hz, 50 Hz) increased the lettuce yield in nutrient solutions with lower NO_3-N concentrations, despite of the fact that the chlorophyll in lettuce does not response much yellow light. Changes in light stimulation frequency affected NO_3-N concentrations in lettuce sap. These results suggest that stimulation by red or yellow LED-light in the field has a positive effect on photosynthetic activity.
机译:通过调整光质和光和黑暗的过渡期间可以控制植物生长速率。光强度和时间也对生长速度产生影响。我们研究了低强度光照射特定频率对莴苣的生长和无机含量的影响。使用三种类型的营养溶液(完全营养,NO_3-N-过量,NO_3-N缺陷)培养莴苣。光源是红色和黄色LED,它是植物生产中使用的低成本人造光源。每天用脉冲LED光照射叶片数小时。尽管生菜中的叶绿素不应响应黄光,但仍然增加了特异性频率(20Hz,50Hz,50 Hz)的营养液中营养液的营养溶液的产量增加了营养液的培养液产量。光刺激频率的变化影响莴苣SAP中NO_3-N浓度。这些结果表明,该领域中红色或黄色LED光的刺激对光合活动具有积极影响。



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