首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Variation in Perikymata Counts Between Repetitive Episodes of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia Among Orangutans from Sumatra and Borneo

Variation in Perikymata Counts Between Repetitive Episodes of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia Among Orangutans from Sumatra and Borneo


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The goal of this study is to evaluate whether repetitive linear enamel hypoplasia (rLEH) in apes is ecologically informative. LEH, which appears as grooves of thinner enamel often caused by malnutrition and/or disease, is a permanent record of departures from developmental homeostasis in infant and juvenile apes. Orangutans were selected for the study as they are a threatened species, have a remarkably high prevalence of rLEH, and because Sumatra is deemed a better habitat for orangutans than is Borneo, facilitating an ecological comparison. Objectives are to determine: a) whether periodicity of rLEH in orangutans corresponds to monsoon-mediated cycles in precipitation or food; and b) whether patterning of rLEH supports the view that Borneo is an inferior habitat. This study compares the counts of perikymata between adjacent LEH from 9 Sumatran and 26 Bornean orangutans to estimate the periodicity of rLEH. A total of 131 nonredundant inter-LEH perikymata counts were transformed to natural log values to reveal clusters of counts in a multiplicative series. Using a value of 10 days to form one perikyma, rLEH tends to recur semiannually in both populations. However, Sumatran orangutans show significantly fewer semiannual intervals and more annually recurring episodes. Bornean orangutans show mostly semiannual intervals and are more variable in inter-LEH perikymata counts. It is concluded that: a) developmental conditions for infant orangutans in Sumatra protect them somewhat from seasonal and environmental variation; b) temporal patterning of rLEH indicates that Borneo is the poorer habitat for orangutans; and c) the study of rLEH can be ecologically informative. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:125–139, 2014.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估猿类中的重复线性釉质发育不全(rLEH)是否具有生态学意义。 LEH表现为通常由营养不良和/或疾病引起的牙釉质变薄的凹槽,是永久性记录,表明婴儿和幼年猿的发育稳态趋于偏离。选择猩猩进行研究是因为它们是一种受威胁物种,rLEH的患病率极高,并且因为苏门答腊被认为比婆罗洲更适合猩猩栖息地,从而促进了生态比较。目的是确定:a)猩猩中rLEH的周期性是否对应于季风介导的降水或食物周期; b)rLEH的模式是否支持婆罗洲是劣等生境的观点。这项研究比较了来自9个苏门答腊和26个婆罗洲猩猩的相邻LEH之间的骨膜瘤计数,以估计rLEH的周期性。总共131个非冗余LEH间皮膜间膜计数被转换为自然对数值,以显示乘积序列中的计数簇。使用10天的值来形成一个骨膜瘤,rLEH倾向于在两个种群中每半年复发一次。但是,苏门答腊猩猩的半年间隔明显减少,而每年的发作次数则更多。婆罗洲猩猩主要表现为半年一次的间隔,并且在LEH间的间膜生瘤计数方面变化更大。结论是:a)苏门答腊婴儿猩猩的发育条件在一定程度上保护了它们免受季节和环境变化的影响; b)rLEH的时间格局表明婆罗洲是猩猩的较差栖息地; c)rLEH的研究具有生态学意义。 Am J Phys Anthropol 154:125–139,2014年。



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