首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >The consequences of linear growth stunting: Influence on body composition among youth in the bolivian amazon

The consequences of linear growth stunting: Influence on body composition among youth in the bolivian amazon


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Stunting, or linear growth retardation, has been documented in up to half of all children in rural indigenous populations of South America. Stunting is well understood as a signal of adverse conditions during growth, and has been associated with developmentally induced modifications to body composition, including body fat and muscularity, that stem from early growth restriction. This article examines the relation between short stature and three anthropometric indicators of body composition during childhood and adolescence among a rural, indigenous population of forager-horticulturalists. Anthropometric data were collected annually from 483 Tsimane' youth, ages 2-10 years, in 13 communities in the Beni region of Bolivia for 6 consecutive years (2002-2007). Baseline height-for-age was used to indicate stunting (HAZ < -2.0) and compared with z-scores of body mass index (BMI), sum of two skinfolds, and arm muscle area. Multilevel regression models indicate baseline stunting is associated with lower BMI z-scores (B = -0.386; P < 0.001), body fatness (ZSkinfold, B = -0.164; P < 0.001), and arm muscularity (AMAZ, B = -0.580; P < 0.001) in youth across a period of 6 years. When split by sex, there was a stronger relation between baseline stunting and lower skinfold body fat scores among girls (B = -0.244; P < 0.001) than boys (B = -0.080; P = 0.087). In contrast, baseline stunting was associated with lower arm muscularity in both girls (B = -0.498; P < 0.001) and boys (B = -0.646; P < 0.001). The relation between linear growth restriction and indicators of body composition persist into adolescence, providing additional insight into the influence of adverse conditions during growth.
机译:在南美洲农村土著人口中,有多达一半的儿童有发育迟缓或线性生长迟缓的记录。发育迟缓是生长过程中不利条件的信号,众所周知,发育迟缓与发育早期引起的对身体成分的改变有关,包括身体脂肪和肌肉发达,这是由于早期生长受限所致。本文研究了农村园艺原住民中,儿童和青春期矮小身高与人体成分的三个人体测量指标之间的关系。连续6年(2002-2007年),每年从玻利维亚贝尼地区的13个社区中收集483位2-10岁的Tsimane青年的人体测量数据。基线年龄上限表示发育迟缓(HAZ <-2.0),并与体重指数(BMI),两个皮褶之和和臂肌面积的z得分进行比较。多级回归模型表明基线发育迟缓与较低的BMI z评分(B = -0.386; P <0.001),体脂(ZSkinfold,B = -0.164; P <0.001)和手臂肌肉(AMAZ,B = -0.580)相关; P <0.001),持续6年。按性别划分时,女孩(B = -0.244; P <0.001)与男孩(B = -0.080; P = 0.087)之间的基线发育迟缓和较低的皮褶体脂肪得分之间存在更强的关系。相反,基线发育迟缓与女孩(B = -0.498; P <0.001)和男孩(B = -0.646; P <0.001)的下臂肌肉相关。线性生长限制与身体组成指标之间的关系一直持续到青春期,从而提供了对生长过程中不利条件影响的更多了解。



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