首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >The Function of Loud Calls (Hoot Series) in Wild Western Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla)

The Function of Loud Calls (Hoot Series) in Wild Western Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla)


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The use of loud vocal signals to reduce distance among separated social partners is well documented in many species; however, the underlying mechanisms by which the reduction of spacing occurs and how they differ across species remain unclear. Western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) offer an opportunity to investigate these issues because their vocal repertoire includes a loud, long-distance call (i.e., hoot series) that is potentially used in within-group communication, whereas mountain gorillas use an identical call exclusively during intergroup encounters. First, we tested whether the hoot series functions as a contact/separation call. Second, we examined which individuals were more likely to reply and which party was more responsible for decreasing distance to identify the underlying mechanisms and cognitive implications of hoot series. We collected behavioral, spatial, and acoustic data on five adult gorillas over 15 months at the Mondika Research Center (Republic of Congo and CAR). Hoot series are individually distinct calls and given by both male and female gorillas when separated from each other. Following hooting, the distance between separated group members decreased significantly; thus we concluded that western gorillas use this call to reestablish group cohesion. The way in which proximity was achieved depended upon listeners replying or not to the caller. Replies may indicate a conflict between callers about intended travel direction, with vocal interchanges serving to negotiate a consensus. Although the acoustic features of vocal signals are highly constrained in closely related species, our results demonstrate that the function and usage of particular calls can be flexible. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:379-391, 2014. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:在许多物种中,使用声音大的信号来缩短彼此分离的社会伙伴之间的距离已得到充分证明。然而,减少间距发生的基本机制以及它们在物种间的差异尚不清楚。西方大猩猩(大猩猩大猩猩)提供了一个调查这些问题的机会,因为它们的声音库中包括可能在组内交流中使用的响亮的长途通话(即ho声系列),而山地大猩猩仅在通话时使用相同的通话组间的相遇。首先,我们测试了hoot系列是否用作联系/分离呼叫。其次,我们检查了哪些人更有可能回答,哪一方更负责减小距离,从而确定了ot声序列的潜在机制和认知含义。我们在Mondika研究中心(刚果和中非共和国)在15个月内收集了五只成年大猩猩的行为,空间和声学数据。蹄类是彼此不同的称呼,彼此分开时由雄性和雌性大猩猩给予。欢呼之后,分离的小组成员之间的距离显着减少;因此,我们得出结论,西方大猩猩使用此调用来重新建立群体凝聚力。实现接近的方式取决于听众是否回复呼叫者。答复可能表明呼叫者之间在预期的行进方向方面存在冲突,语音交换有助于达成共识。尽管在紧密相关的物种中语音信号的声学特征受到很大的限制,但我们的结果表明,特定呼叫的功能和用法可以很灵活。 2014年Am J Phys Anthropol 155:379-391。(c)2014 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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