首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Potato Research >Solanum commersonii Cytoplasm Does Not Improve Freezing Tolerance in Substitution Backcross Hybrids with Frost-sensitive Potato Species

Solanum commersonii Cytoplasm Does Not Improve Freezing Tolerance in Substitution Backcross Hybrids with Frost-sensitive Potato Species

机译:Solanum commersonii细胞质不会提高对霜冻敏感马铃薯品种的回交杂种的耐冻性

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Solanum commersonii Dun. (cinm) is the most frost hardy wild potato species known, being able to tolerate an acute freezing episode to about -5 C and further acclimate to tolerate -10 C after being exposed to. chilling temperatures for several days. Breeding with this species to incorporate its frost-hardiness traits can be accomplished by standard sexual hybridization or protoplast fusion. These methods can result in hybrids that vary in contribution of the cmm plastome. To test the effect of cmm cytoplasm, cytoplasmic substitution backcross hybrids were made with three very frost-sensitive species, S. brachistotrichum, S. cardiophyllum, and S. pinnatisectum, by using S. commersonii as the female to make an F_1 then performing repeated backcross (BC) using the sensitive species as males. Relative freezing tolerance (RFT) of all genotypes was assessed by measurement of ion leakage of excised terminal leaflets subjected to a controlled ice nucleation and simulated freeze-thaw stress. Even against the background of these very sensitive species' genomes, the cmm cytoplasm of substitution hybrids promoted insignificant improvement in frost hardiness or ability to acclimate. We conclude that either (1) cmm cytoplasm does not contribute to frost hardiness, or (2) if cmm cytoplasmic frost hardiness genes do exist, they must be epistatic to (depend on the presence of) nuclear hardiness genes for expression.
机译:茄子。 (cinm)是已知的最耐霜冻的野生马铃薯种,能够忍受大约-5 C的急性冷冻发作,并能在暴露后进一步适应-10 C的耐受性。低温几天。可以通过标准的有性杂交或原生质体融合来实现掺入其抗寒性的该物种的繁殖。这些方法可能导致杂种在cmm质体组的贡献方面发生变化。为了测试cmm细胞质的作用,用沙门氏菌,雌性沙门氏菌和三种极易受霜冻影响的物种S. bramistectrichum,S。cardiophyllum和S. pinnatisectum制作了细胞质替代回交杂种,方法是使用沙门氏菌S. commersonii作为雌性,制作F_1,然后重复进行使用敏感物种作为雄性进行回交(BC)。所有基因型的相对冷冻耐受性(RFT)通过测量切下的末端小叶在受控冰核作用和模拟的冻融应力下的离子渗漏量来评估。即使在这些非常敏感的物种的基因组背景下,替代杂种的cmm细胞质也能显着提高霜冻抗性或适应能力。我们得出的结论是:(1)cmm细胞质不有助于抗霜冻性,或者(2)如果确实存在cmm细胞质抗霜性基因,则它们必须是上位性的(取决于是否存在)以表达核抗性基因。



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