首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Perinatology >Uncomplicated baseline fetal tachycardia or bradycardia in postterm pregnancies and perinatal outcome.

Uncomplicated baseline fetal tachycardia or bradycardia in postterm pregnancies and perinatal outcome.


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OBJECTIVE: to assess perinatal outcome in post-term pregnancies in which fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring revealed either uncomplicated baseline fetal tachycardia (> or = 160 bpm) or fetal bradycardia (< or = 120 bpm). STUDY DESIGN: We performed a case-control study of patients who underwent fetal assessment between July 1989 and June 1995, as part of post-term evaluation. Inclusion criteria consisted of nonlaboring afebrile patients with singleton post-term pregnancies > or = 41 weeks of gestation by strict dating criteria (last menstrual period consistent with ultrasound biometric parameters obtained prior to 20 weeks' gestation), normal fetal anatomy, intact membranes, and reactive nonstress test with no evidence of chorioamnionitis. Patients with fetal tachy or brady arrhythmias, FHR decelerations, or loss of short-term beat-to-beat variability were excluded. Baseline FHR was recorded retrospectively by an observer blinded to maternal and neonatal clinical outcome. For each case of uncomplicated baseline fetal tachycardia (> or = 160 bpm) or bradycardia (< or = 120 bpm), either two or three control cases (matched for maternal age and parity), with FHR > 120 bpm and < 160 bpm, were identified. Outcome variables assessed included: incidence of cesarean delivery, nuchal cord at delivery, meconium-stained amniotic fluid (AF), 5-min Apgar score < 7, fetal growth restriction (< 10th percentile for 41 weeks' gestation), meconium aspiration syndrome, and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission. Statistical analysis included two-tailed t-test and chi2 test when appropriate, with p < 0.05 considered significant throughout. RESULTS: During the study period 1390 post-term patients (6.81% of the general population) were assessed. Of these, 31 (2.23%) fetuses exhibited baseline FHR > or = 160 bpm, and 76 fetuses (5.46%) exhibited baseline FHR < or = 120 bpm. No significant differences were noted in the incidence of cesarean delivery, presence of nuchal cord at delivery, meconium-stained AF, 5-min Apgar scores < 7, fetal growth restriction, meconium aspiration syndrome, or the incidence of NICU admissions between the groups of patients with fetal tachycardia, bradycardia, and their respective controls. CONCLUSIONS: Uncomplicated baseline fetal tachycardia or bradycardia in postterm patients are not associated with an increase in the incidence of adverse perinatal outcome.
机译:目的:评估胎儿心率(FHR)监测显示无并发症的基线胎儿心动过速(>或= 160 bpm)或胎儿心动过缓(<或= 120 bpm)的足月妊娠的围产期结局。研究设计:我们对1989年7月至1995年6月间接受胎儿评估的患者进行了病例对照研究,作为后期评估的一部分。纳入标准包括单胎妊娠≥41周的非人工发热患者,严格的约会标准(末次月经与妊娠20周前获得的超声生物统计学参数一致),正常的胎儿解剖结构,完整的胎膜和无绒毛性羊膜炎的无反应性无压力测试。排除胎儿心动过速或迟发性心律失常,FHR减慢或短期心律不齐性丧失的患者。基线FHR由不了解母婴和新生儿临床结局的观察者进行回顾性记录。对于每例简单的基线胎儿心动过速(>或= 160 bpm)或心动过缓(<或= 120 bpm),FHR> 120 bpm和<160 bpm的两个或三个对照病例(与产妇年龄和胎次匹配),被确定。评估的结果变量包括:剖宫产的发生率,分娩时的脐带,胎粪污染的羊水(AF),5分钟的Apgar评分<7,胎儿生长受限(妊娠41周<10%),胎粪吸入综合征,以及新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)入院。统计分析在适当时包括两尾t检验和chi2检验,其中p <0.05被认为是显着的。结果:在研究期间,评估了1390名足月患者(占总人口的6.81%)。其中,31(2.23%)胎表现出基线FHR>或= 160 bpm,而76胎(5.46%)表现出基线FHR <或= 120 bpm。剖宫产的发生率,分娩时脐带的存在,胎粪污染的房颤,5分钟的Apgar评分<7,胎儿生长受限,胎粪吸入综合征或两组NICU的发生率均无显着差异。胎儿心动过速,心动过缓及其相应对照的患者。结论:早产儿单纯的基线胎儿心动过速或心动过缓与围生期不良结局的发生率增加无关。



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