首页> 外文期刊>Journal of gastrointestinal surgery: official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract >Perioperative Fluid Administration in Pancreatic Surgery: a Comparison of Three Regimens

Perioperative Fluid Administration in Pancreatic Surgery: a Comparison of Three Regimens


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Background Optimization of perioperative fluid management is a controversial issue. Weight-adjusted, fixed fluid strategies do not take into account patient hemodynamic status, so that individualized strategies guided by relevant variables may be preferable. We studied this issue in patients undergoing pancreatic surgery within our institution. Methods All patients who underwent a laparotomy for pancreatic cancer during a 5-month period at our hospital (AOUI of Verona, Italy) were eligible to be included in this prospective, observational study. According to the responsible anesthesiologist's free choice, patients received, during surgery, either liberal (12 ml/kg/h) or restricted (4 ml/kg/h) fixed-volume weight-guided replacement fluids or goal-directed (GD) fluid replacement using stroke volume variation (SVV) determined by the FloTrac Vigileo device. Results Eighty-six patients were included: 29 in the liberal group, 23 in the restricted group, and 34 in the GD group. The mean duration of surgery was 6 [4-7] h. Patients in the liberal group received more perioperative fluid than those in the GD and restricted groups. Nearly one third of all patients had a major complication, including delayed enteral feeding, and presented a longer duration of hospital stay. Despite the biases related to our limited cohort, there were significantly fewer postoperative complications (such as postoperative fistula, abdominal collection, and hemorrhage) in the restricted and GD groups of patients than in the liberal one. Conclusion In patients undergoing pancreatic surgery, a restricted or individually guided GD strategy for management of perioperative fluids can result in fewer complications than a liberal fluid strategy. Larger and randomized investigations are warranted to confirm these data on this domain.
机译:背景技术围手术期液体管理是一种有争议的问题。体重调整,固定流体策略不考虑患者血液动力学状态,从而可以优选由相关变量引导的个性化策略。我们研究了在我们机构内持续胰腺手术的患者中进行过这个问题。方法对胰腺癌进行剖腹度剖腹产术治疗(意大利维罗纳的Aoui)的所有患者均有资格列入这项前瞻性的观察研究。根据负责的麻醉师的自由选择,患者在手术期间接受,在手术期间,自由主义(12ml / kg / h)或限制(4ml / kg / h)固定体积重量引导的替代液或靶向(gd)液体使用由Flotrac Vigileo装置测定的行程体积变化(SVV)更换。结果包括八十六名患者:199例在自由群中,限制集团23例,以及34名GD集团。手术的平均持续时间为6 [4-7] h。自由主义患者比GD和限制组中的患者接受了更围攻流体。近三分之一的患者具有重要的并发症,包括延迟肠内喂养,并呈现了更长的住院时间。尽管与我们有限的群组有关的偏见,但在受限制和GD患者的术后并发症(如术后瘘,腹部收集和出血)显着较少,而不是在自由主义中。结论在接受胰腺手术的患者中,围手术液体管理的受限制或单独引导的GD策略可能导致比自由流体策略更少的并发症。有必要更大,随机调查,以确认在此域上的这些数据。



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