首页> 外文期刊>American journal of botany >On the origin of the sweet-smelling Parma violet cultivars (Violaceae): Wide intraspecific hybridization, sterility, and sexual reproduction

On the origin of the sweet-smelling Parma violet cultivars (Violaceae): Wide intraspecific hybridization, sterility, and sexual reproduction


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Parma violets are reputed for their double, fragrant flowers and have been cultivated for centuries in Europe. However, due to a rather atypical morphology their taxonomic affinity has not been clarified. Authors have proposed an origin from three possible species, Viola alba, V. odorata, or V. suavis, or a hybrid origin. Using both ITS sequence variation and allozyme variation in 14 putative loci, we showed that the Parma violet cultivars have their origin within Viola alba and that they are best included in the Mediterranean subsp. dehnhardtii. There is no trace of interspecific hybridization. However, the cultivars appear to have a single origin in a wide hybrid within V. alba, involving parental plants from the eastern and western Mediterranean region; historical literature sources seem to indicate Turkey and Italy, respectively. The Parma violet cultivars possess high levels of allozyme heterozygosity and to some extent also with in-individual ITS sequence variation. Losses of heterozygosity and within-individual ITS sequence variation in some of the cultivars indicate subsequent rare events of sexual reproduction, presumably through cleistogamous seed set. We unambiguously identify the closest wild relative of this group of cultivars, allowing growers to develop new selection procedures, and show a peculiar molecular process associated with human selection.
机译:帕尔马紫罗兰以其双重香气着称,在欧洲已有数百年的历史。但是,由于形态不典型,它们的分类学亲和力尚未阐明。作者提出了来自三个可能物种Viola alba,V。odorata或V. suavis的起源,或杂种起源。使用ITS序列变异和14个推定基因座上的同工酶变异,我们证明了帕尔马紫罗兰品种起源于中提琴,并且最好地包含在地中海亚种中。德恩哈蒂。没有种间杂交的痕迹。然而,这些品种似乎起源于阿尔巴弧菌内的广泛杂种,涉及地中海东部和西部地区的亲本植物。历史文献资料似乎分别表明土耳其和意大利。帕尔马紫罗兰品种具有很高的同工酶杂合度,并且在某种程度上还具有个体ITS序列变异。在某些品种中杂合性的丧失和个体内部ITS序列的变异表明随后发生的有性繁殖的罕见事件,大概是通过杂种结实。我们明确地确定了该品种的最接近的野生亲缘种,使种植者能够开发新的选择程序,并显示出与人类选择相关的独特分子过程。



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