首页> 外文期刊>American journal of health promotion: AJHP >Five-year medical and pharmacy costs after a medically supervised intensive treatment program for obesity

Five-year medical and pharmacy costs after a medically supervised intensive treatment program for obesity


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Purpose. The financial impact of intensive medical interventions for weight loss has not been fully studied. Design. A randomized pragmatic clinical trial. Setting. Seven primary care clinics and one research center in Louisiana. Subjects. Severely obese individuals (body mass index 40-60 kg/m2) randomized to usual care (n = 190) or intensive medical management (n = 200). Forty-seven percent of participants completed year 2 follow-up and were included in the analyses. Intervention. Physician-monitored intervention with recommendations for 12 weeks of liquid diet followed by 4 months of group behavioral therapy, structured diet, and option of pharmacotherapy, and an additional 16 months of maintenance strategies. Measures. Two-year preintervention and 5-year postintervention measures were computed from claims data and included (1) medical costs excluding pharmacy, (2) pharmacy costs only, (3) total medical and pharmacy costs, and (4) medical and pharmacy subcategory costs. Analysis. Differential categories for preintervention and postintervention were created using total sample 75th percentiles. Chi-square tests were employed to compare the intervention groups both preintervention and postintervention with respect to the proportion of subjects above the 75th percentile for each of the cost categories. Results. Medical costs excluding pharmacy did not differ between groups. The intensive medical intervention group had a significantly smaller percentage of subjects above the 75th percentile for pharmacy costs only (p=.0125), and for antidiabetic agents (p=.0464), antihypertensives (p=.0075), and dyslipidemic subcategories (p = .0197). Conclusion. An intensive medical intervention may reduce pharmaceutical expenditures in severely obese individuals. These results must be viewed with caution given the high attrition of study participants.
机译:目的。强化医学干预对减肥的财务影响尚未得到充分研究。设计。一项随机的,实用的临床试验。设置。路易斯安那州有7家初级保健诊所和1个研究中心。主题。严重肥胖的个体(体重指数40-60 kg / m2)随机分配至常规护理(n = 190)或强化医疗管理(n = 200)。 47%的参与者完成了第二年的随访,并被纳入分析。介入。医师监测的干预措施,建议为期12周的流质饮食,然后进行4个月的集体行为治疗,结构化饮食和药物治疗选择,以及另外16个月的维持策略。措施。根据索赔数据计算了两年干预前和五年干预后的措施,其中包括(1)不包括药房的医疗费用,(2)仅药房费用,(3)医疗和药房总费用以及(4)医疗和药房子类别费用。分析。干预前和干预后的差异类别使用总样本第75个百分位数创建。卡方检验用于比较干预组在干预前和干预后两种成本类别中高于75%的受试者的比例。结果。各组之间除药房外的医疗费用没有差异。强化医疗干预组中,仅药物费用(p = .0125),降糖药(p = .0464),降压药(p = .0075)和血脂异常亚类(p = .0125)的受试者所占的比例要明显低于第75个百分点。 p = 0.0197)。结论。强烈的医疗干预可以减少严重肥胖者的药物支出。考虑到研究参与者的高消耗,必须谨慎对待这些结果。



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