首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan >Validity of adjusting density of material fiber mass in twist draft spinning frame

Validity of adjusting density of material fiber mass in twist draft spinning frame


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In order to add higher value to spun yarns, we have studied the application of a twist draft spinning to multi -kind small-lot production of functional yarns. In twist draft spinning, a yarn is spun out directly from a large mass of material fiber and the yarn count is controlled by spun yarn tension. In this paper, we specially have regard to the linear de n-sity and twist rate of the yarn those are deeply concerned with quality of the yarn. Through an analysis of the yarn properties, it is found that the density of material fiber mass is the most effective parameter in properties of material fiber to adjust twist factor of the yarn. Furthermore, the linear density and the twist factor of the yarn can be controlled independently by using spun yarn tension and density of material fiber mass as adjusting parameters.
机译:为了增加纺纱纱线的值,我们已经研究了旋转旋转的旋转纺丝到多次少量生产功能纱线的应用。 在扭曲的纺丝中,纱线直接从大量的材料纤维中纺出,并且纱线计数由纺纱张力控制。 在本文中,我们特别考虑到纱线的线性DE N-SITY和捻线,对纱线的质量深表涉及。 通过对纱线性能的分析,发现材料纤维物质的密度是材料纤维的性质中最有效的参数,以调节纱线的扭转因子。 此外,可以通过使用纺纱纱线张力和材料纤维物质的密度作为调节参数来独立地控制纱线的线性密度和扭转因子。



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