
Color constancy of color reproductions in art paintings


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Popular color reproductions of art paintings such as postcards are intended to remind viewers of the original works. It is, however, unclear how well the quality of the reproductions is preserved under various illuminations. Color constancy of the reproductions in relation to colors in the original paintings was estimated computationally with hyperspectral images of 15th-century Flemish paintings, 20th-century modern abstract paintings, and their corresponding postcards with a series of illuminants: the CIE daylight D65 with correlated color temperature (CCT) 6500 K, daylight D40, fluorescent lamps F2 and F11, and a LED lamp designed for museums with CCT approximately 3500-4000 K. Despite large colorimetric differences between the types of art paintings and between the illuminants simulated, local areas showed good color constancy: skin areas in the Flemish paintings ranged from 0.76 to 0.81, whereas nonskin areas ranged from 0.19 to 0.68. This result suggests that viewers may be able to achieve color constancy with the reproduction postcards by disregarding inconsistent colors representations from the original paintings caused by changes in illumination conditions. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America
机译:艺术绘画的流行色彩复制品如明信片的旨在提醒您的原始作品的观众。然而,目前尚不清楚在各种照明下保存复制品的质量。与原始绘画中的颜色相关的复制品的颜色恒定在计算上估计了15世纪的佛兰芒绘画,20世纪现代抽象绘画的高光谱图像,以及他们的相应明信片,具有一系列发光物:CIE Daylight D65具有相关颜色温度(CCT)6500 K,日光D40,荧光灯F2和F11,以及为具有CCT的博物馆设计的LED灯大约3500-4000 K.尽管艺术绘画类型和模拟的照明器之间的颜色差异很大,但当地区域显示良好的色彩恒定:佛兰芒涂料中的皮肤区域的范围从0.76到0.81,而Nonskin领域的范围从0.19到0.68。该结果表明,观众可以通过忽视由照明条件的变化引起的原始绘画的不一致颜色表示来实现与再现明信片的颜色恒定。 (c)2018年光学学会



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