首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Management and Future Research Strategies for Enhancing Productivity of Crops on the Acid Soils

Management and Future Research Strategies for Enhancing Productivity of Crops on the Acid Soils


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The acid soils of the world consist large areas of potentially arable land (30%), which are concentrated in Brazil (called Cerrados), Columbia, Venezuela, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia (von Uexkull and Mutert 1995). The acid soils (pH <6.5) in India occupy approximately 90 million hectares (Mha) of the geographical area (Sharma and Sarkar 2005). Acidic soils below pH 5.5 occupy around 25 Mha of arable land. Such type of problematic soils in India are mainly concentrated in north-eastern (NE) region and Western Ghats, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, Uttarakhand with sporadic distribution in Himachal Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, etc. In the north-eastern region the acid soils below pH 5.5 occupy 54% of the total area of the country. The toxicity of soilAl has been recognized as one of the important factors limiting the productivity of crops on acid soils with pH less than 5.5. Management of such type of soils for agriculture is the national priority.
机译:世界酸性土壤包括潜在耕地(30%)的大面积,集中在巴西(称为Cerrados),哥伦比亚,委内瑞拉,中非和东南亚(冯·乌斯克伦和1995年)。 印度的酸性土壤(pH <6.5)占据了地理区域的大约9000万公顷(MHA)(Sharma和Sarkar 2005)。 PH 5.5低于pH 5.5以下的酸性土壤占地面积约25 MHA。 印度的这种有问题的土壤主要集中在东北(NE)地区和西部Ghats,Jharkhand,Chhatisgarh,Uttarakhand,在喜马偕尔邦,奥里萨邦,西孟加拉邦等摩尔塔拉克州分布。酸性土壤 低于pH 5.5占全国总面积的54%。 土壤的毒性被认为是限制酸性土壤生产率的重要因素之一,pH值小于5.5。 对农业这种土壤的管理是国家优先事项。



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