首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Statistical Physics >Proof of a Conjecture on the Infinite Dimension Limit of a Unifying Model for Random Matrix Theory

Proof of a Conjecture on the Infinite Dimension Limit of a Unifying Model for Random Matrix Theory


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We study the large N limit of a sparse random block matrix ensemble. It depends on two parameters: the average connectivity Z and the size of the blocks d, which is the dimension of an euclidean space. In the limit of large d with Z/d fixed, we prove the conjecture that the spectral distribution of the sparse random block matrix converges in the case of the Adjacency block matrix to the one of the effective medium approximation, in the case of the Laplacian block matrix to the Marchenko-Pastur distribution. We extend previous analytical computations of the moments of the spectral density of the Adjacency block matrix and the Lagrangian block matrix, valid for all values of Z and d.
机译:我们研究了稀疏随机块矩阵集合的大n限制。 它取决于两个参数:平均连接z和块D的大小,这是欧几里德空间的尺寸。 在具有Z / D固定的大D的极限中,我们证明了闪光随机块矩阵的光谱分布在邻接块矩阵的情况下收敛到拉普拉斯的有效介质近似之一。 块矩阵到Marchenko-Pastur分布。 我们扩展了邻接块矩阵和拉格朗日块矩阵的频谱密度的瞬间的先前分析计算,适用于Z和D的所有值。



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