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Extra-auditory effects of noise in laboratory animals: the relationship between noise and sleep


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Noise has both auditory and extra-auditory effects. Some of the most deleterious extra-auditory effects of noise are those leading to sleep disturbances. These disturbances seem to be related to both endogenous (physical parameters) and exogenous (sex, age) factors of noise. Despite correlative relations between noise level and awakenings, the scientific community has not reached consensus regarding a specific action of these factors on the different sleep stages. In animal research, 2 complementary main fields of research exist. One is focused on the positive modulation of sleep by repeated tone stimulation. The other concerns noise-related sleep disturbances. The few studies that have investigated noise-related sleep disturbances suggest the following conclusions. First, sleep disturbances are greater upon exposure to environmental noise, whose frequency spectrum is characterized by high and ultrasonic sounds, than white noise. Second, unpredictability and pattern of noise events are responsible for extractions from both SWS and PS. Third, chronic exposure to noise permanently reduces and fragments sleep. Finally, in chronic noise exposure, an inter-individual variability in SWS deficits is observed and correlated to a psychobiological profile related to an incapability to face stressful situations. Based on results from other research, acute noise-related sleep perturbations could result from an imbalance in the sleep-wake cycle in favor of arousing ascending systems. Chronic noise-related sleep disturbances may arise due to imbalance of the sleep-wake cycle and malfunctioning of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis which may both contribute to the development of pathology.
机译:噪音具有听觉和图像效果。噪音的一些最有害的噪音效果是导致睡眠障碍的人。这些扰动似乎与内源性(物理参数)和外源(性别,年龄)的因素有关。尽管噪音水平与令人敬关系存在相关关系,但科学界尚未达成关于这些因素对不同睡眠阶段的具体行动的共识。在动物研究中,存在2个互补的研究领域。一种专注于反复调度刺激对睡眠的正面调节。另一个涉及噪声相关的睡眠障碍。研究噪声相关睡眠障碍的少数研究表明了以下结论。首先,在暴露于环境噪声时,睡眠障碍更大,其频谱特征在于高和超声波,而不是白噪声。其次,不可预测性和噪声事件的模式负责来自SWS和PS的提取。第三,长期暴露在噪音中永久性减少和碎片睡眠。最后,在慢性噪声曝光中,观察到SWS缺陷的各种可变性和与与无法面临压力情况的无法行动有关的精神病学型材相关。基于来自其他研究的结果,急性噪声相关的睡眠扰动可能是由于睡眠 - 唤醒循环中的不平衡引起了唤起升高系统。由于睡眠唤醒循环的失衡和下丘脑 - 垂体 - 肾上腺轴的故障可能导致慢性噪声相关的睡眠障碍可能会导致病理学的发展。



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