首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American College of Surgeons >Antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of surgical site infection after tension-free hernia repair: A bayesian and frequentist meta-analysis

Antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of surgical site infection after tension-free hernia repair: A bayesian and frequentist meta-analysis


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Background Efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) after open tension-free hernia repair remains controversial. In light of additional data, the aim of this study was to determine whether antibiotic prophylaxis reduces SSI after hernia repair. Study Design We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to identify randomized controlled trials comparing antibiotic prophylaxis and the subsequent incidence of SSI after inguinal or femoral hernia repair. The primary outcomes measure was the incidence of SSI. Subgroup analysis was evaluated by stratifying the categories of SSI. The meta-analysis was performed using Bayesian and frequentist methods. Results Twelve studies were included in this meta-analysis; 1,902 patients received antibiotic prophylaxis and the other 1,936 patients were allocated to the control group. Incidence of SSI was 47 (pooled rate 3.0%) in the antibiotic group and 91 (6.0%) in the control group. The number needed to treat to prevent 1 episode of SSI is 41. The Bayesian meta-analysis yielded a significant reduction of SSI in the antibiotic group (odds ratio = 0.49; 95% credible interval 0.25-0.81). Subgroup analysis showed that an antibiotic prophylaxis was beneficial for the prevention of superficial SSI (odds ratio = 0.40; 95% credible interval 0.12-0.98), but not beneficial for prevention of deep SSI (odds ratio = 0.59; 95% credible interval 0.11-3.20). Also, the results were similar to those with frequentist methods. Conclusions This meta-analysis suggests that antibiotic prophylaxis is efficacious for the prevention of SSI after open mesh hernia repair.
机译:抗生素预防对预防手术部位感染(SSI)的背景疗效仍存在争议。鉴于额外数据,本研究的目的是确定疝修复后抗生素预防是否会降低SSI。研究设计我们进行了系统审查和荟萃分析,以确定随机对照试验比较抗生素预防和股骨疝修复后SSI后续发病率。主要结果措施是SSI的发病率。通过分层SSI类别来评估亚组分析。使用贝叶斯和频繁的方法进行META分析。结果在该荟萃分析中包含12项研究; 1,902名患者接受抗生素预防,另外1,936名患者分配给对照组。抗生素组中SSI的发病率为47(合并率为3.0%),对照组91(6.0%)。治疗以防止SSI的1集所需的数量是41.贝叶斯荟萃分析产生抗生素组中SSI的显着减少(差距= 0.49; 95%可信间隔0.25-0.81)。亚组分析表明,抗生素预防有利于预防浅表SSI(赔率比= 0.40; 95%可信间隔0.12-0.98),但不能有利于预防深层SSI(赔率比率= 0.59; 95%可靠间隔0.11- 3.20)。此外,结果与具有频率方法的结果类似。结论这种荟萃分析表明,抗生素预防对于在开放网眼疝修复后预防SSI是有效的。



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