首页> 外文期刊>Journal of strength and conditioning research >Effect of Altering Body Posture and Barbell Position on the Within-Session Reliability and Magnitude of Force-Time Curve Characteristics in the Isometric Midthigh Pull

Effect of Altering Body Posture and Barbell Position on the Within-Session Reliability and Magnitude of Force-Time Curve Characteristics in the Isometric Midthigh Pull


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A large degree of variation in the position used during isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) testing and conflicting results of the effects of these changes can be found in the literature. This study investigated the effect of altering body posture and barbell position on the reliability and magnitude of force-time characteristics generated during the IMTP. Seventeen strength-power athletes (n = 11 males, height: 177.5 +/- 7.0 cm, body mass: 90.0 +/- 14.1 kg, age: 30.6 +/- 10.4 years; n = 6 females, height: 165.8 +/- 11.4 cm; body mass: 66.4 +/- 13.9 kg, age: 30.8 +/- 8.7 years) with greater than 6 months of training experience in the clean (1 repetition maximum: 118.5 +/- 20.6 kg, 77.5 +/- 10.4 kg) volunteered to undertake the experimental protocol. Subjects performed the IMTP using 4 combinations of hip and knee angles, and 2 different barbell positions. The first barbell position corresponded to the second pull of the clean, while the second rested at the midpoint between the iliac crest and the patella. Peak force (PF), time-specific force (F-50, F-90, F-150, F-200, and F-250), peak rate of force development (pRFD), and impulse (IMP) time bands were reliable in all 4 testing positions examined. Statistically greater PF, F-50, F-90, F-150, F-200, F-250, pRFD, and IMP0-50, IMP0-90, IMP0-150, and IMP0-200 were generated in a testing position corresponding to the second pull of the clean when compared with a bent over torso angle, regardless of the barbell position used. Moderate to large effect sizes favoring a testing position corresponding to the second pull were also found. Overall, when performing the IMTP, an upright torso and a barbell position that matches the second pull of the clean should be used.
机译:在等距途中拉(IMTP)测试期间使用的位置的大幅度变化可以在文献中找到这些变化的效果的冲突结果。本研究研究了改变身体姿势和杠铃位置对IMTP期间产生的力时特性的可靠性和大小的影响。 17个强度 - 动力运动员(n = 11个男性,身高:177.5 +/- 7.0厘米,体重:90.0 +/- 14.1公斤,年龄:30.6 +/-104岁; n = 6雌性,身高:165.8 +/- 11.4厘米;体重:66.4 +/- 13.9公斤,年龄:30.8 +/- 8.7岁)在干净中大于6个月的培训经验(1重复最多:118.5 +/- 20.6 kg,77.5 +/-104 kg)自愿进行实验方案。受试者使用4个臀部和膝关节角的组合进行IMTP,以及2个不同的杠铃位置。第一杠铃位置对应于清洁的第二次拉动,而第二个杠杆位于髂嵴和髌骨之间的中点。峰值力(PF),时间特定力(F-50,F-90,F-150,F-200和F-250),力量显影(PRFD)的峰值速率和脉冲(IMP)时间段在检查的所有4个测试位置可靠。统计上更大的PF,F-50,F-90,F-150,F-200,F-250,PRFD和IMP0-50,IMP0-90,IMP0-150和IMP0-200在相应的测试位置产生与弯曲角度的弯曲角度相比,在干净的第二个拉动中,无论使用的杠铃位置如何。还发现了适当的大效果尺寸,偏好于对应于第二次拉动的测试位置。总的来说,在执行IMTP时,应使用直立躯干和杠铃位置与清洁的第二次拉动相匹配。



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