首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Psychology >The impact of family status on gender identity and on sex-typing of household tasks in Israel

The impact of family status on gender identity and on sex-typing of household tasks in Israel


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The author examined differences in sex-typing of household tasks (adult gender roles and children's chores) and differences in gender identity among adult Israelis. The author compared 2 groups of participants: single people without children (single-family participants; n = 62) and married people with children (full-family participants; n = 62). Regarding sex-typing of household tasks and direct assessments of masculine and feminine identity, there were no differences between single-family participants and full-family participants. However, family status affected self-assessments of gender identity that were based on cultural definitions of masculine and feminine attributes. Furthermore, correlations between direct assessments of gender identity and sex-typing of household tasks differed according to family status.
机译:作者在成人以色列人中审查了家庭任务的性别分类(成人性别角色和儿童核心)的差异以及性别认同的差异。 作者比较了2组参与者:没有孩子的单身人士(单一家庭参与者; n = 62)和与孩子的已婚人士(全家庭参与者; n = 62)。 关于家庭任务的性别和男性和女性身份的直接评估,单一家庭参与者和全家庭参与者没有差异。 然而,家庭状况影响了基于男性和女性属性的文化定义的性别认同的自我评估。 此外,根据家庭地位,性别身份和性别类型的性别身份和性别类型的直接评估之间的相关性。



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