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Pollen, source of haploids for plant breeding.


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The presence of chromosomes in single copy in gametes and the concept of totipotency have together led to the development of haploid plant in a large number of plant species. Haploids have great significance in plant breeding as each of their genes, even the recessive ones, are expressed. Detection of recessive mutations is feasible when haploids are used as experimental material. More recently, the concept of gametoclonal variation and gametosomatic hybridization was developed, which helps in creating unique type of variability for improving a particular plant species. Though the exploitation of these techniques is not maximum presently due to experimental limitations, yet continued efforts in this direction will definitely lead to their successful utilization.
机译:在配子中单拷贝的染色体存在以及全能性的概念,共同导致了大量植物物种的单倍体植物的发展。 单倍体在植物育种中具有重要意义,因为它们的每个基因,即使是隐性的,也表达了。 当单倍体用作实验材料时,可隐性突变的检测是可行的。 最近,开发了配子龙龙变异和配子杂交的概念,这有助于为改善特定植物物种创造独特的变异性。 尽管这些技术的开发目前不是由于实验限制而不是最大值,但在这方面的持续努力肯定会导致他们的成功利用率。



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