首页> 外文期刊>Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology >Potential impacts of the Alberta Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Service Networks on secondary disabilities: A cost- benefit analysis

Potential impacts of the Alberta Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Service Networks on secondary disabilities: A cost- benefit analysis


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Objectives To estimate the break-even effectiveness of the Alberta Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Service Networks in reducing occurrences of secondary disabilities associated with FASD. Methods The secondary disabilities addressed within this study include crime, homelessness, mental health problems, and school disruption (for children) or unemployment (for adults). We used a cost-benefit analysis approach where benefits of the service networks were the cost difference between the two approaches: having the 12 service networks and having no service network in place, across Alberta. We used a threshold analysis to estimate the break-even effectiveness (i.e. the effectiveness level at which the service networks became cost-saving). Results If no network was in place throughout the province, the secondary disabilities would cost $22.85 million (including $8.62 million for adults and $14.24 million for children) per year. Given the cost of network was $6.12 million per year, the break-even effectiveness was estimated at 28% (range: 25% to 32%). Discussion Although not all benefits associated with the service networks are included, such as the exclusion of the primary benefit to those experiencing FASD, the benefits to FASD caregivers, and the preventative benefits, the economic and social burden associated with secondary disabilities will "pay-off" if the effectiveness of the program in reducing secondary disabilities is 28%.
机译:估计艾伯塔省胎儿酒精谱系障碍(FASD)服务网络的缺点甚至有效减少与FASD相关的次要残疾发生的缺点甚至有效性。方法在本研究中解决的二级残疾包括犯罪,无家可归,心理健康问题和学校中断(儿童)或失业(成人)。我们使用了一种成本效益分析方法,其中服务网络的好处是两种方法之间的成本差异:拥有12个服务网络,并在艾尔伯塔跨越服务网络。我们使用了阈值分析来估计休息甚至有效性(即服务网络变得节省成本的有效性水平)。结果如果全省未到位网络,则每年均可耗资2285万美元(包括成人8.62亿美元,儿童为1424万美元)。鉴于网络的成本为每年612百万美元,休息甚至有效性估计为28%(范围:25%至32%)。讨论虽然并非所有与服务网络相关的福利都包括在内,例如排除对体验法定的主要效益,对法定护理人员的利益以及预防性益处,与中等残疾相关的经济和社会负担将“支付 - “如果方案减少二级残疾的有效性为28%。



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