首页> 外文期刊>Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology >A pilot study on cost-related medication nonadherence in Ontario

A pilot study on cost-related medication nonadherence in Ontario


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Background Cost-related nonadherence (CRN) describes patients cutting back on their prescribed medication due to an inability to pay. CRN is influenced by drug insurance coverage plans, which vary widely among different healthcare systems. Little is known about CRN in Canada and Ontario. Objective To develop and pilot a questionnaire about CRN. Methods An interviewer-administered questionnaire assessing demographics, socioeconomic status, health status and health literacy, medication costs and CRN was developed for this pilot study. Participants were recruited from a general internal medicine rapid assessment outpatient clinic of a large urban teaching hospital. Results Sixty patients were recruited (mean age 60.3 years; 48.3% female; mean of 5.3 prescription medications per patient). Nine patients (15%) reported some form of CRN. Unfilled prescriptions, delayed prescriptions, less frequent and smaller doses were the most common forms of CRN. Seven patients (11.7%) had no drug insurance. Patients without drug insurance were more likely to experience CRN than patients with private insurance (OR 20.70, 95% CI 1.46-292.75); government coverage also increased the likelihood of CRN compared to private coverage (OR 4.51, 95% CI 0.376-54.11). Patients spending over $100 a month out-of-pocket were more likely to experience CRN than patients spending less than $20 (OR 42.52, 95% CI 2.02-894.03). Thirty-three patients (55%) said that their physicians had not asked them about how they deal with the cost of prescriptions. Conclusion Based on our pilot survey, a significant minority of specialty clinic outpatients experience CRN and prescribers frequently forget to inquire whether patients can afford their medications.
机译:背景技术与成本相关的非正畸(CRN)描述由于无法支付的患者,患者削减其规定的药物。 CRN受毒品保险覆盖计划的影响,这些计划在不同的医疗系统中差异很大。对加拿大和安大略省的CRN众所周知。目的是制定和试点关于CRN的问卷。方法对该试点研究制定了评估人口统计学,社会经济地位,健康状况和健康识字,药物成本和CRN的采访者的问卷。从一般的城市教学医院招募了一般内科迅速评估门诊诊所。结果招募了60例患者(平均年龄60.3岁; 48.3%的女性;平均每位患者5.3处方药)。九名患者(15%)报告了某种形式的CRN。未填充的处方,延迟处方,少频繁和较小剂量是最常见的CRN形式。 7名患者(11.7%)没有毒品保险。没有毒品保险的患者比私人保险患者更容易发白CRN(或20.70,95%CI 1.46-292.75);与私人覆盖率相比,政府覆盖率也增加了CRN的可能性(或4.51,95%CI 0.376-54.11)。每月花费超过100美元的患者比花费不到20美元(或42.52,95%CI 2.02-894.03)的患者更容易发白CRN。三十三名患者(55%)表示,他们的医生没有询问他们如何处理处方费用。结论根据我们的试验调查,少数特种诊所门诊病人经历CRN和规定经常忘记询问患者是否能够提供其药物。



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