首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering >Enhancing wellbore cement integrity with microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP): A field scale demonstration

Enhancing wellbore cement integrity with microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP): A field scale demonstration


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The presence of delaminations, apertures, fractures, voids and other unrestricted flow channels in the wellbore environment substantially reduces wellbore integrity. Compromised cement may cause a loss of zonal isolation leading to deleterious flow of fluids between zones or to the surface with multiple potential negative impacts including: loss of resource production, reduction of sweep efficiency in EOR operations, and regulatory noncompliance. One potential solution to enhance wellbore integrity is microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) to plug preferential flow pathways. MICP is promoted with micrometer-sized organisms and low viscosity (aqueous) solutions thereby facilitating fluid transport into small aperture, potentially tortuous leakage flow paths within the cement column. In this study, MICP treatment of compromised wellbore cement was demonstrated at a depth interval of 310.0-310.57m (1017-1019 feet) below ground surface (bgs) using conventional oil field subsurface fluid delivery technologies (packer, tubing string, and a slickline deployed bailer). After 25 urea/calcium solution and 10 microbial (Sporosarcina pasteurii) suspension injections, injectivity was reduced from the initial 0.29 cubic meters per hour (m(3)/h) (1.28 gallons per minute (gpm)) to less than 0.011m(3)/h (0.05 gpm). The flow rate was decreased while maintaining surface pumping pressure below a maximum pressure of 81.6 bar (1200 psi) to minimize the potential for fracturing a shale formation dominant in this interval. The pressure decay immediately after each injection ceased decreased after MICP treatment. Comparison of pre- and post-test cement evaluation logs revealed substantial deposition of precipitated solids along the original flow channel. This study suggests MICP is a promising tool for enhancing wellbore cement integrity.
机译:在井眼环境中存在分层,孔径,裂缝,空隙和其他不受限制的流动通道基本上降低了井眼完整性。受损水泥可能导致区域隔离损失,导致区域之间的流体流量或具有多种潜在负面影响的表面,包括:资源生产的丧失,EOR操作中的扫描效率降低,以及监管不合规。一种增强井眼完整性的潜在解决方案是微生物诱导的方解石沉淀(MICP)以堵塞优先流动途径。 MICP促进了微米尺寸的生物和低粘度(水)溶液,从而促进流体输送到小孔径中,潜在的曲折漏光流动路径。在本研究中,使用常规油田地下流体输送技术(包装机,管弦串和Slickline,以310.0-310.57m(BGS)以下310.0-310.57m(1017-1019英尺)的深度间隔进行损害井筒水泥的MICP处理。部署的Bailer)。在25尿素/钙溶液和10微生物(SporoSarcina Pasteurii)悬浮液后,从初始0.29立方米(M(3)/ h)(每分钟1.28加仑(GPM))降低,低于0.011m( 3)/ h(0.05 gpm)。将流速降低,同时保持表面泵送压力低于81.6巴(1200psi)的最大压力,以最小化在该间隔中占据压裂页岩形成的可能性。在麦克白处理后,每次注射停止后立即衰减。测试前和后水泥评估的比较日志揭示了沿着原始流动通道沉淀固体的大量沉积。本研究表明MICP是一种提高井筒水泥完整性的有希望的工具。



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