首页> 外文期刊>Journal of prosthetics and orthotics: JPO >Association Of Hypertensive Retinopathy With Angiographic Severity Of Coronary Artery Disease Determined By Syntax Score

Association Of Hypertensive Retinopathy With Angiographic Severity Of Coronary Artery Disease Determined By Syntax Score


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BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a leading cause of morbidity among developing and developed countries. Hypertensive Retinopathy is a micro vascular complication of long standing hypertension while CAD is a macro vascular complication. The main objective of the study was to determine the association between worsening grade of hypertensive retinopathy with angiographic severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) measured by Syntax Score. METHODS: This was a cross sectional study which was conducted after approval from IRB. All patients with history of hypertension, who underwent coronary angiography, were included in the study. After a detailed history and physical exam, all included patients were subjected to fundoscopy. Patients were categorized into 4 groups according to Keith et al classification of hypertensive retinopathy: No HR, Mild HR, Moderate HR and Severe HR. Patients were also categorized into three groups on the basis of angiographic severity of CAD by syntax score (SS): Mild CAD (SS22), Moderate CAD (SS: 22-32) and Severe CAD (SS32). Data was analysed in SPSS Version 20.0. Categorical and continuous variables were described as frequencies/percentages and Mean±SD respectively. RESULTS: A total of 370 patients were included in the study out of which 205 were males with a mean age of 55.3±10.07 years. Mean duration of hypertension was 8.1±2.7 years with a mean SBP of 130.1±37.2 mmHg and mean DBP of 90.3±17.3 mmHg. Patients with no HR, mild HR, moderate HR and severe HR had a mean SS of 11.7±4.5, 17.1±3.9, 26.3±5.1 and 37.9±5.1 respectively. Significant association was found between HR and severity of CAD with a chi square value of 285.53 (p0.001). PORs for worsening grade of HR with severity of CAD increased from 0.341 (p0.001) for mild HR to 2.33 (p0.001) times for severe HR. CONCLUSIONS: A higher grade of hypertensive retinopathy is significantly associated to a higher angiographic severity of CAD by syntax score. BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a leading cause of morbidity among developing and developed countries. Hypertensive Retinopathy is a micro vascular complication of long standing hypertension while CAD is a macro vascular complication. The main objective of the study was to determine the association between worsening grade of hypertensive retinopathy with angiographic severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) measured by Syntax Score. METHODS: This was a cross sectional study which was conducted after approval from IRB. All patients with history of hypertension, who underwent coronary angiography, were included in the study. After a detailed history and physical exam, all included patients were subjected to fundoscopy. Patients were categorized into 4 groups according to Keith et al classification of hypertensive retinopathy: No HR, Mild HR, Moderate HR and Severe HR. Patients were also categorized into three groups on the basis of angiographic severity of CAD by syntax score (SS): Mild CAD (SS 32). Data was analysed in SPSS Version 20.0. Categorical and continuous variables were described as frequencies/percentages and Mean±SD respectively. RESULTS: A total of 370 patients were included in the study out of which 205 were males with a mean age of 55.3±10.07 years. Mean duration of hypertension was 8.1±2.7 years with a mean SBP of 130.1±37.2 mmHg and mean DBP of 90.3±17.3 mmHg. Patients with no HR, mild HR, moderate HR and severe HR had a mean SS of 11.7±4.5, 17.1±3.9, 26.3±5.1 and 37.9±5.1 respectively. Significant association was found between HR and severity of CAD with a chi square value of 285.53 (p<0.001). PORs for worsening grade of HR with severity of CAD increased from 0.341 (p<0.001) for mild HR to 2.33 (p<0.001) times for severe HR. CONCLUSIONS: A higher grade of hypertensive retinopathy is significantly associated to a higher angiographic severity of CAD by syntax score.
机译:背景:高血压是发展中国家和发达国家发病的主要原因。高血压视网膜病变是长期高血压的微血管并发症,而CAD是宏观血管并发症。该研究的主要目的是通过语法评分测量冠状动脉疾病(CAD)血管造影严重程度的高血压视网膜病变血管性严重程度之间的关联。方法:这是IRB批准后进行的横截面研究。所有患有冠状动脉造影的高血压病史的患者都包含在该研究中。经过详细的历史和体检后,所有包括的患者都会受到基础形式。根据Keith等人的高血压视网膜病变分类,患者分为4组:没有人力资源,轻度HR,适度的人力资源和严重的HR。患者还基于CAD的血管造影严重程度分为三组,通过语法得分(SS):轻度CAD(SS <22),中等CAD(SS:22-32)和严重的CAD(SS& 32)。数据在SPSS版本20.0中进行了分析。分类和连续变量分别被描述为频率/百分比和平均值±SD。结果:在研究中共有370名患者,其中205名是男性,平均年龄为55.3±10.07岁。平均高血压持续时间为8.1±2.7岁,平均SBP为130.1±37.2mmHg,平均dbp为90.3±17.3mmhg。没有人力资源,轻度HR,中度HR和严重HR的患者的平均SS分别为11.7±4.5,17.1±3.9,26.3±5.1和37.9±5.1。在HR和CAD的严重程度之间发现了显着的关联,CHI平方值为285.53(P <0.001)。用于恶化的HR级别的PORS,具有CAD的严重程度从0.341(P <0.001)增加到2.33(P <0.001)重度HR的2.33(P <0.001)。结论:较高等级的高血压视网膜病变与语法评分的CAD的更高血管造影严重程度显着相关。背景:高血压是发展中国家和发达国家发病的主要原因。高血压视网膜病变是长期高血压的微血管并发症,而CAD是宏观血管并发症。该研究的主要目的是通过语法评分测量冠状动脉疾病(CAD)血管造影严重程度的高血压视网膜病变血管性严重程度之间的关联。方法:这是IRB批准后进行的横截面研究。所有患有冠状动脉造影的高血压病史的患者都包含在该研究中。经过详细的历史和体检后,所有包括的患者都会受到基础形式。根据Keith等人的高血压视网膜病变分类,患者分为4组:没有人力资源,轻度HR,适度的人力资源和严重的HR。根据语法得分(SS):MILD CAD(SS 32),患者也基于CAD的血管造影严重程度分为三组。数据在SPSS版本20.0中进行了分析。分类和连续变量分别被描述为频率/百分比和平均值±SD。结果:在研究中共有370名患者,其中205名是男性,平均年龄为55.3±10.07岁。平均高血压持续时间为8.1±2.7岁,平均SBP为130.1±37.2mmHg,平均dbp为90.3±17.3mmhg。没有人力资源,轻度HR,中度HR和严重HR的患者的平均SS分别为11.7±4.5,17.1±3.9,26.3±5.1和37.9±5.1。在CAD的HR和CAD的严重程度之间发现了显着的关联,CHI平方值为285.53(p <0.001)。用于恶化的HR级别的PORS,CAD的严重程度从0.341(p <0.001)增加到2.33(P <0.001)至2.33(p <0.001)次的严重HR。结论:较高等级的高血压视网膜病变与语法评分的CAD的更高血管造影严重程度显着相关。



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