首页> 外文期刊>American journal of dentistry >Azithromycin as an adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: Radiographic findings of a 12-month randomized clinical trial

Azithromycin as an adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: Radiographic findings of a 12-month randomized clinical trial


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Purpose: To compare the 12-month radiographic outcomes following the use of azithromycin or placebo as adjuncts to non-surgical periodontal treatment of AgP. Methods: 17 aggressive periodontitis (AgP) subjects 13-26 years old were randomly assigned to receive scaling and root planing (SRP) with systemic azithromycin or placebo. Standardized radiographs were taken at baseline and 12 months postoperatively. Recall visits consisting of oral prophylaxis and oral hygiene instructions were performed during the 12 months. Digital image subtraction analysis and linear bone measurements were conducted by a blinded and calibrated examiner. Student t-tests were used for within and between-groups comparisons. ANCOVA was applied for between-group comparisons of changes in linear bone level adjusting for baseline values. Results: There were significant gains in linear bone levels in the azithromycin (0.55 ±0.10 mm) and placebo (0.42 ± 0.07 mm) groups between the baseline and 12-month postoperative visits. There were also significant gains in bone density in the two treatment groups. No significant differences were observed between the two treatments in the amount of linear bone gain or bone density during the follow-up period. The use of azithromycin as an adjunct to SRP in the treatment of AgP did not result in significant radiographic bone level changes compared to placebo.
机译:目的:比较使用阿奇霉素或安慰剂作为非手术性牙周治疗AgP的辅助药物后12个月的影像学结果。方法:17名年龄在13-26岁之间的侵袭性牙周炎(AgP)患者被随机分配接受全身阿奇霉素或安慰剂的洗牙和牙根整平(SRP)。在基线和术后12个月拍摄标准化的X线照片。在过去的12个月中,进行了包括口腔预防和口腔卫生说明在内的回顾访视。数字图像减法分析和线性骨测量由盲目和校准检查者进行。学生t检验用于组内和组间比较。将ANCOVA用于调整基线值的线性骨水平变化的组间比较。结果:在基线和术后12个月访视之间,阿奇霉素(0.55±0.10 mm)和安慰剂(0.42±0.07 mm)组的线性骨水平显着增加。在两个治疗组中,骨密度也显着增加。在随访期间,两种治疗在线性骨量或骨密度方面均未观察到显着差异。与安慰剂相比,使用阿奇霉素作为SRP的辅助剂治疗AgP不会导致显着的影像学骨水平改变。



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