首页> 外文期刊>American journal of dentistry >Anti-gingivitis effects of a novel 0.454% stabilized stannous fluoride dentifrice relative to a positive control

Anti-gingivitis effects of a novel 0.454% stabilized stannous fluoride dentifrice relative to a positive control


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Purpose: To compare the anti-gingivitis efficacy of a novel 0.454% stannous fluoride dentifrice to a commercially available positive control triclosan-containing dentifrice in a population of adults with gingivitis. Methods: This single-center, randomized and controlled, double-blind, parallel group, 2-month trial enrolled 200 adults with mild-to-moderate gingivitis. At baseline, pre-treatment gingivitis levels were assessed with both the Lobene Modified Gingival Index (MGI) and the Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of two test dentifrices: either 0.454% highly bioavailable stannous fluoride or the 0.30% triclosan positive control. Following at-home, unsupervised toothbrushing according to manufacturer's instructions with their assigned test dentifrice for 2 months, subjects were re-evaluated for gingivitis again via the MGI and GBI examinations. Results: A total of 196 subjects completed the trial and were evaluable. At Month 2, both test dentifrices produced statistically significant reductions in number of bleeding sites, GBI, and MGI on average relative to pre-treatment (< 0.0001). The Month 2 adjusted mean improvement from baseline for the stannous fluoride dentifrice group was 62% greater for number of bleeding sites, 60% greater for GBI, and 45% greater for MGI versus the triclosan/copolymer positive control group; groups differed significantly (P< 0.0001) for each gingivitis measure at Month 2. Both dentifrices were well-tolerated.
机译:目的:为了比较新型的0.454%氟化亚锡洁牙剂与市售的含三氯生的阳性对照的洁齿剂在成年牙龈炎人群中的抗牙龈炎功效。方法:这项单中心,随机和对照,双盲,平行组的为期2个月的试验招募了200名患有轻度至中度牙龈炎的成年人。在基线时,用Lobene改良牙龈指数(MGI)和牙龈出血指数(GBI)评估治疗前的牙龈炎水平。将受试者随机分配至两个测试洁牙剂之一:0.454%的高生物利用度氟化亚锡或0.30%的三氯生阳性对照。根据制造商的指示在家中使用无监督的牙刷,并为其分配的测试洁牙剂2个月后,通过MGI和GBI检查再次对受试者进行牙龈炎评估。结果:共有196位受试者完成了试验并且可以评估。在第2个月,与治疗前相比,两种测试洁牙剂平均减少出血部位,GBI和MGI的数量,具有统计学意义上的显着减少(<0.0001)。与三氯生/共聚物阳性对照组相比,氟化亚锡洁齿剂组从基线开始的第2个月调整后的平均出血量增加了62%,GBI增加了60%,MGI增加了45%。在第2个月,每种牙龈炎措施的治疗组差异显着(P <0.0001)。两种牙膏的耐受性均良好。



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