首页> 外文期刊>American journal of dentistry >Evolution and prognosis of necrotic primary teeth after pulpectomy.

Evolution and prognosis of necrotic primary teeth after pulpectomy.


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PURPOSE: To study the evolution of 308 necrotic primary teeth after pulpectomy technique with resorbable paste (Kri-1 + calcium hydroxide + metacresol-formaldehyde) after 30 months. METHODS: 134 children between 2-9 years were included, among which they had 348 pulpectomized teeth. Out of these 348 teeth, 308 had necrotic pulp and were included in the study. The filling material consisted of a paste based on Walkhoff's master formula and consisted of the combination of Kri-1a (80.8% iodoform, 2.025% parachlorophenol, 1.215% menthol, 4.68% camphor and excipient 15 mg), pure calcium hydroxide and metacresol formaldehyde (metacresol 20 mg, formaldehyde 20 mg, eugenol 20 mg, eucalyptus 6 mg and excipient 40 mg). Root canal filling was performed in one session by one operator. RESULTS: Pain, swelling, and fistula resolution was observed in most cases at the first recall. Progressive remission of radiolucent areas was also observed. A relationship between fistula and radiolucency in pre-treated furcation area was observed, and, in some cases, premature eruption of permanent teeth was recorded. Only two cases out of 308 treated teeth required extraction.
机译:目的:研究在30个月后使用可吸收糊剂(Kri-1 +氢氧化钙+偏甲酚-甲醛)进行牙髓切除术后308颗坏死的乳牙的演变。方法:包括134名2至9岁的儿童,其中有348颗经髓鞘切除的牙齿。在这348颗牙齿中,有308颗具有坏死牙髓,被纳入研究。填充材料由基于Walkhoff主配方的糊剂组成,由Kri-1a(80.8%的碘仿,2.025%的对氯苯酚,1.215%的薄荷醇,4.68%的樟脑和赋形剂15 mg),纯的氢氧化钙和间甲酚甲醛(以下混合物)组成:偏甲酚20毫克,甲醛20毫克,丁子香酚20毫克,桉树6毫克和赋形剂40毫克)。根管充填由一名操作员进行一次。结果:在大多数情况下,首次召回时观察到疼痛,肿胀和瘘管消退。还观察到放射可透区域的逐渐缓解。观察到在预处理的牙根分叉处瘘管和射线透性之间的关系,并且在某些情况下,记录了恒牙的过早萌出。 308颗治疗过的牙齿中只有2例需要拔除。



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