首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physical chemistry letters >Fundamental Efficiency Limit of Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells

Fundamental Efficiency Limit of Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells


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Lead halide materials have seen a recent surge of interest from the photovoltaics community following the observation of surprisingly high photovoltaic performance, with optoelectronic properties similar to GaAs. This begs the question: What is the limit for the efficiency of these materials? It has been known that under 1-sun illumination the efficiency limit of crystalline silicon is ~29%, despite the Shockley–Queisser (SQ) limit for its bandgap being ~33%: the discrepancy is due to strong Auger recombination. In this article, we show that methyl ammonium lead iodide (MAPbI_(3)) likewise has a larger than expected Auger coefficient. Auger nonradiative recombination decreases the theoretical external luminescence efficiency to ~95% at open-circuit conditions. The Auger penalty is much reduced at the operating point where the carrier density is less, producing an oddly high fill factor of ~90.4%. This compensates the Auger penalty and leads to a power conversion efficiency of 30.5%, close to ideal for the MAPbI_(3) bandgap.
机译:铅卤化物材料已经看出,在观察令人惊讶的高光伏性能之后,最近从光伏群落中感兴趣的兴趣,具有类似于GaAs的光电性质。这引出了问题:这些材料效率的限制是多少?众所周知,在1-SIM照明下,结晶硅的效率极限为〜29%,尽管其带隙的冲击器 - 批次(SQ)限制为〜33%:差异是由于强大的螺旋钻重组。在本文中,我们表明甲基铵铅碘化物(Mapbi_(3))同样具有大于预期的螺旋系数。在开路条件下,螺旋钻非地改性将理论外发光效率降低至约95%。在载流子密度较少的工作点处,螺旋钻罚款大大降低,产生奇数高填充因子〜90.4%。这补偿了螺旋钻罚款,导致电力转换效率为30.5%,接近MapBi_(3)带隙的理想。



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