首页> 外文期刊>Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology >The importance of topical steroids after adhesiolysis in erosive lichen planus and graft versus host disease

The importance of topical steroids after adhesiolysis in erosive lichen planus and graft versus host disease


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The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a postoperative steroid regimen in maintaining vulvovaginal architecture and vaginal patency following surgical adhesiolysis in severe erosive lichen planus (ELP) and genital graft versus host disease (GVHD). Sixteen women applied potent topical steroids to the vulva and vagina from 48 hours after surgery. Sexual and urinary function and vulvovaginal anatomy were assessed at 6 weeks, 6, 12 and 24 months. All of the patients had failed sexual function due to vaginal stenosis. Eleven patients were unable to have cervical smears and three had associated haematocolpos. Vaginal adhesiolysis achieving complete patency occurred in all patients with stenosis. Fifteen (93.7%) patients were compliant with the regimen. After two years, 12 (75%) patients had maintained complete vaginal patency. Four patients (25%) developed vaginal restenosis. This study demonstrates that the potent topical steroids used post-operatively are very effective in maintaining vaginal patency and function. Impact statement What is already known on this subject? Potent topical steroids are the first line treatment for ELP and GVHD and have been reported to be helpful after surgery to release adhesions. What do the results of this study add? Topical steroids used immediately after surgical adhesiolysis in patients with vulvo-vaginal lichen planus and graft-versus-host disease improves the outcomes and maintains function, which can give a prolonged benefit.
机译:本研究的目的是评估术后类固醇方案在严重腐蚀性地衣直升机(ELP)和生殖器移植物与宿主病(GVHD)中的外科粘连后维持外阴阴压架构和阴道通畅的疗效。十六名女性在手术后48小时内将有效的局部类固醇应用于外阴和阴道。在6周,6,12和24个月内评估性和尿函数和外阴功能性解剖。由于阴道狭窄,所有患者均未发生性能失败。 11名患者无法患有颈椎涂片,三个患有相关的HAEMATOCKPOS。所有狭窄患者发生了阴道胶质型达到完全通畅。十五(93.7%)患者符合方案。两年后,12名(75%)患者保持完全阴道通畅。四名患者(25%)制定了阴道再狭窄。本研究表明,可操作性地使用的有效的局部类固醇在维持阴道通畅和功能方面非常有效。影响声明这项主题所知的内容是什么?有效的局部类固醇是ELP和GVHD的第一线治疗,并且据报道,手术后有用以释放粘连。本研究的结果添加了什么?外罩粘合后立即使用的外语类固醇在外阴 - 阴道地衣平面和移植物 - 与宿主疾病患者中改善了结果并保持了可延长的益处。



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