首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology >Camel's Milk Protects against Aluminum Chloride-Induced Toxicity in the Liver and Kidney of White Albino Rats

Camel's Milk Protects against Aluminum Chloride-Induced Toxicity in the Liver and Kidney of White Albino Rats


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Problem statement: Aluminum has the potential to be toxic in humans and animals. Aluminum is present in many manufactured foods and medicines and also added to drinking water for purification purposes, thus increasing the human exposure to this toxicmetal. Aluminum accumulates mainly in bone, liver, testis, kidneys and brain and resulted in biological dysfunctions. For this reason, many researches are carried out to find natural-made compounds that help in the protection against aluminum induced toxicity in human and animals. The present study was carried out to investigate the protective effects of Camel's milk against aluminum-induced biochemical alterations and oxidative stress in the liver and kidney of white albino rats. Approach: White albinorats of both sexes (230-250 g) were housed in standard metal cages (10 rats/cage). The experimental rats (10 in each group) distributed into two experimental groups with a shared control group received only normal saline orally (Group 1). In experimental first group, a daily dose (0.5 mg kg~(-1) body weight) of Aluminum chloride (A1C13) was orally administrated to the rats for 30 days and named aluminum chloride-treated rats. In experimental second group, the same concentrations of Aluminum chloride was administered orally 10 min after the administration in 1 mL of early morning fresh Camel's milk into the experimental rats for the same period of time and named Camel's milk-Aluminum chloride treated group. Water and food were provided ad libitum. Resu
机译:问题陈述:铝可能对人和动物有毒。铝存在于许多制成的食品和药品中,并且出于净化目的也被添加到饮用水中,因此增加了人类对这种有毒金属的暴露。铝主要在骨骼,肝脏,睾丸,肾脏和大脑中蓄积,导致生物学功能障碍。因此,进行了许多研究以发现天然化合物,这些化合物有助于防止铝对人和动物的毒性。本研究旨在研究骆驼奶对白化白化病大鼠肝脏和肾脏铝诱导的生化变化和氧化应激的保护作用。方法:将两性白化白鼬(230-250克)放在标准的金属笼子中(每笼10只大鼠)。实验大鼠(每组10只)分为两个实验组,一个对照组,仅口服生理盐水(第1组)。在实验的第一组中,将每日剂量(0.5mg kg·(-1)体重)的氯化铝(AlCl 3)口服给予大鼠30天,并命名为氯化铝处理的大鼠。在第二实验组中,在相同时间段内,在相同时间段内,将1mL清晨的新鲜骆驼奶在口服后10分钟内口服相同浓度的氯化铝,称为骆驼奶-氯化铝治疗组。随意提供水和食物。 su



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