首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology >Prevalance of Fumonisins Producing Fusarium spp. Associated with Maize Ear Rot in Punjab

Prevalance of Fumonisins Producing Fusarium spp. Associated with Maize Ear Rot in Punjab

机译:富隆根产素SPP的患病率。 与旁遮普邦玉米耳腐有关

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To know the fungi associated with maize ear rot under Punjab conditions, surveys were conducted in main maize growing areas of the Punjab and isolations were made from the diseased grains / cob samples collected during Kharif and spring seasons. Isolations generated cultures of Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus and Alternaria. Incidence of ear rot was comparatively more in spring season crop than in Kharif season. Total thirty isolates of Fusarium were obtained. Production of fumonisins was first assessed by PCR by using fumonisin biosynthesis gene specific primers FUM5 & FUM13. Seventeen isolates gave 845 bp band with FUM5 primer pair and eighteen isolates gave 998 bp band with FUM13 primer pair. Isolates positive for FUM gene were analyzedfor fumonisins production by HPLC using standards of FBI & FB2. Only four isolates of F. verticilloides i.e. F14, F15, F22 & F27 produced fumonisins above detection limit (> 0.05 ppm) and among them F27 isolate produced maximum amount of FBI i.e. 73.3 ppm.
机译:为了了解与玉米耳鼻相关的真菌在旁遮普条件下,调查是在旁遮普地区的主要玉米生长区域进行的,分离是在Kharif和春季收集的患病谷物/玉米棒样本。分离产生镰刀菌,曲霉,青霉素,根瘤菌和alterararia的培养。耳鼻的发病率在春季作物比在Kharif季节相对较多。获得了镰刀菌的总分离物。首先通过使用Fumonisin生物合成基因特异性引物Fum5和Fum13评估Fumonisins的生产。通过FUM5引物对提供了17个分离株,并使用FUM5引物对和18个分离株给出998个BP带,具有FUM13引物对。使用FBI&FB2的标准用HPLC分析FUM基因的分离阳性基因阳性。只有四个分离株F. Verticilloides i.e.F14,F15,F22和F27在检测极限(> 0.05ppm)上方产生Fumonisins,其中F27分离物产生最大量的FBI I. .. 73.3 ppm。



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