首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurolinguistics >Differential effect of reading training on functional connectivity in It children with reading difficulties with and without ADHD comorbidity

Differential effect of reading training on functional connectivity in It children with reading difficulties with and without ADHD comorbidity


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A comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with reading difficulties (RD) is common in children. However, children with ADHD + RD have a different reading and executive functions (EF) profile than children with RD alone. We compared the effect of an EF-based intervention on neural circuits related to EF in children with RD and those with ADHD + RD. Functional connectivity MRI data from a lexical decision task suggest that the RD-alone group showed greater improvement in EF and reading tests and greater functional connectivity between networks related to both higher- and lower-level visual processing and those related to ventral attention and dorsal attention, as well as semantic processing. Children with ADHD + RD showed greater connectivity between networks related to attention and dorsal attention and those related to visual processing and EF. Results are consistent with the Cognitive Subtype hypothesis and suggest that RD and ADHD + RD, although related behaviourally, are distinct disorders with regard to network response and connectivity during reading and after an EF-based intervention.
机译:注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)具有阅读困难(RD)的一致性在儿童中是常见的。然而,有ADHD + RD的儿童与单独的RD的儿童有不同的阅读和行政职能(EF)轮廓。比较了基于EF的干预对RD和ADHD + RD的儿童患儿的神经电路的效果。来自词汇决策任务的功能连接MRI数据表明,rd-单独的组在EF和读取测试中提高了更大的改善,以及与较低和较低的视觉处理相关的网络之间的功能连接和与腹侧关注和背部关注有关的网络之间的功能连接以及语义处理。具有ADHD + RD的儿童在与关注和背侧关注有关的网络之间显示出更大的连接,以及与视觉处理和EF相关的网络之间的连接。结果与认知亚型假设一致,并表明RD和ADHD + RD虽然有关的行为,但在阅读期间以及基于EF的干预期间,对网络响应和连接是不同的障碍。



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