首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences >Immunohistochemical study of mucin expression in periampullary adenomyoma.

Immunohistochemical study of mucin expression in periampullary adenomyoma.


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BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Benign tumors and tumor-like conditions in the ampullary area are uncommon, and there are extremely rare cases of adenomyoma (AM) and adenomyomatous hyperplasia (AMH). Surgical treatment is necessary if these lesions cause biliary obstruction. In addition, the differential diagnosis of AM and AMH from carcinoma is often difficult by standard endoscopic biopsy and cytopathological analysis that may show differential findings, resulting in unnecessary surgeries sometimes being performed. METHODS: Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of periampullary AM and AMH was performed. RESULTS: For both types of lesions, epithelial glandular cells (EGCs) showed diffuse expression of MUC6 and focal expression of HIK1083, mainly in the inner region, and focal expression of MUC5AC, mainly at the surface. The EGCs showed no expression of MUC1 or MUC4, both of which were identified as malignant tumor markers in our previous series of mucin expression studies in pancreatobiliary tumors. The expression of CK7, which was diffusely positive in normal periampullary mucosa, was decreased in the EGCs of AM and AMH. CONCLUSIONS: A combined evaluation of IHC findings may be effective in the detection of AM and AMH, and also in distinguishing benign periampullary lesions, such as AM and AMH, from ampulla of Vater adenocarcinoma, thus avoiding excessive surgery.
机译:背景/目的:安瓿区域的良性肿瘤和肿瘤样病症罕见,并且存在极其罕见的腺瘤(AM)和腺瘤性增生(AMH)。如果这些病变导致胆道阻塞,则需要手术治疗。此外,AM和AMH的差异诊断来自癌的癌症通常是难以显示出差异发现的标准内窥镜活组织检查和细胞病理学分析,导致有时正在进行不必要的手术。方法:进行免疫组织化学(IHC)胰岛碱和AMH的分析。结果:对于两种类型的病变,上皮腺细胞(EGCs)显示了MUC6和HIK1083的焦点表达的弥漫性表达,主要在内部区域和MUC5AC的焦点表达中,主要在表面。 EGCS显示出MUC1或MUC4的表达,两者在我们之前的胰岛肿瘤中的先前系列粘蛋白表达研究中被鉴定为恶性肿瘤标志物。在正常胰岛粘膜中弥漫性阳性的CK7的表达在AM和AMH的EGCS中降低。结论:IHC调节的组合评估可能在检测AM和AMH中有效,并且还在区分患者和AMH的良性血浆病变,从v vater腺癌的ampulla中,从而避免过度的手术。



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