首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences >Impact of transient hepatic attenuation differences on computed tomography scans in the diagnosis of acute gangrenous cholecystitis

Impact of transient hepatic attenuation differences on computed tomography scans in the diagnosis of acute gangrenous cholecystitis


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Background We examined the utility of transient hepatic attenuation differences (THADs) detected in the arterial phase of computed tomography for the diagnosis of acute gangrenous cholecystitis (AGC).Methods We examined 83 consecutive patients who underwent cholecystectomy within 72 h of undergoing three-phase dynamic computed tomography scans for acute cholecystitis between 2009 and 2018 (histopathological examination later confirmed 42 with AGC, 41 without). The THAD volume (cm3) was calculated by multiplying the total area of the enhancing lesions (traced on axial images) by the thickness of the scan (0.5-cm slices). We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the THAD volume and other computed tomography findings of AGC.
机译:背景技术我们检查了在计算断层扫描的动脉阶段检测到的瞬时肝衰减差异(THAD)的效用,用于诊断急性恶晶胆囊炎(AGC)。方法,我们检查了83名在经历三相动态的72小时内接受了胆囊切除术的连续患者 2009年至2018年间急性胆囊炎的计算机断层扫描扫描(组织病理学检查后来确认42例,41例,没有)。 通过将增强病变的总面积乘以扫描(0.5cm切片)的厚度来计算THAD体积(CM3)。 我们评估了AGC的Thad卷和其他计算机断层摄影结果的敏感性和特异性。



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