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Management of patellofemoral pain syndrome.


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Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is the most common cause of knee pain in the outpatient setting. It is caused by imbalances in the forces controlling patellar tracking during knee flexion and extension, particularly with overloading of the joint. Risk factors include overuse, trauma, muscle dysfunction, tight lateral restraints, patellar hypermobility, and poor quadriceps flexibility. Typical symptoms include pain behind or around the patella that is increased with running and activities that involve knee flexion. Findings in patients with PFPS range from limited patellar mobility to a hypermobile patella. To confirm the diagnosis, an examination of the knee focusing on the patella and surrounding structures is essential. For many patients with the clinical diagnosis of PFPS, imaging studies are not necessary before beginning treatment. Radiography is recommended in patients with a history of trauma or surgery, those with an effusion, those older than 50 years (to rule out osteoarthritis), and those whose pain does not improve with treatment. Recent research has shown that physical therapy is effective in treating PFPS. There is little evidence to support the routine use of knee braces or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgery should be considered only after failure of a comprehensive rehabilitation program. Educating patients about modification of risk factors is important in preventing recurrence.
机译:ello股疼痛综合征(PFPS)是门诊患者最常见的膝盖疼痛原因。这是由于在膝盖屈伸过程中控制pa骨跟踪的力不平衡引起的,尤其是在关节超负荷的情况下。危险因素包括过度使用,创伤,肌肉功能障碍,侧向约束严密,pa骨活动过度和股四头肌柔韧性差。典型症状包括running骨后或around骨周围的疼痛,这种疼痛会随着跑步和涉及膝盖屈曲的活动而增加。 PFPS患者的发现范围从from骨活动受限到mobile骨活动过度。为了确认诊断,必须对膝盖进行on骨和周围结构的检查。对于许多临床诊断为PFPS的患者,在开始治疗前无需进行影像学检查。对于有外伤或手术史的患者,有积液的患者,年龄超过50岁(以排除骨关节炎的患者)以及经治疗后疼痛没有改善的患者,建议进行X线照相。最近的研究表明,物理疗法可有效治疗PFPS。没有证据支持常规使用护膝或非甾体抗炎药。仅在综合康复计划失败后才应考虑手术。对患者进行有关危险因素改变的教育对预防复发很重要。



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