首页> 外文期刊>American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias >Deciding when to put grandma in the nursing home: Measuring inclinations to place persons with dementia

Deciding when to put grandma in the nursing home: Measuring inclinations to place persons with dementia


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For caregivers of persons with dementia, estimating when that person should be placed in long-term care is difficult. Health care providers also find it hard to give an exact time as to when the person should be placed. Using data from 197 caregivers working with the Dementia Care Services Project in North Dakota, we show that asking the caregiver about their inclination to place can be equated to asking them for a specific time to place (κ =.616). Using the probability density function of time to place we were able to translate it into inclination. This inclination is easier information for the caregiver to provide and places fewer burdens on the caregiver and patient. It also provides the health care provider with a measure of time to help advise caregivers and recommend interventions and provide service organizations with measures of cost savings to support the impact of outreach and intervention.
机译:对于痴呆症患者的照护者来说,很难估计何时应该对该人进行长期护理。卫生保健提供者还发现很难给出确切的时间来确定该人应该被安置的时间。使用来自北达科他州痴呆症护理服务项目的197名护理人员的数据,我们发现向护理人员询问他们的放置倾向可以等同于向他们询问特定的放置时间(κ= .616)。使用时间的概率密度函数放置,我们能够将其转换为倾斜度。这种倾向是护理人员更容易提供的信息,并且减轻了护理人员和患者的负担。它还为医疗保健提供者提供了一定的时间,以帮助建议护理人员和推荐干预措施,并为服务组织提供节省成本的措施,以支持推广和干预的影响。



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