
Diagnostics and interventions for dementia


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For caregivers and health care providers of persons with dementia, determining when the persons should be placed in long-term care is difficult. Klug et al (Deciding When to put Grandma in the Nursing Home: Measuring Inclinations to Place Persons With dementia) address this problem using data from caregivers working with the Dementia Care Services Project in North Dakota, and they show that asking the care-giver about their inclination to place can be equated to asking them for a specific time to place. They felt that inclination is easier information for the caregiver to provide, and it places fewer burdens on the caregiver and patient. One key to improving the quality of life in individuals with dementia and their caregivers is to be sure that the caregivers understand the meanings of the words and actions of the individual with dementia. Teruo et al (Investigation of Eating Actions of People With Dementia From the Viewpoint of Self-Awareness) conducted a study that addressed this complex issue. Hallucinations are complex, but to better understand them we need to be sure that they are not over- or underdiagnosed. In Analysis of Caregiver Perceptions of "Hallucinations in People With Dementia in Institutional Settings" Cohen-Mansfield and Golander investigate the meaning and etiology of hallucinations in individuals with dementia in nursing home residents.
机译:对于痴呆症患者的看护者和健康护理提供者而言,很难确定何时应该对他们进行长期护理。 Klug等人(决定何时将奶奶放进养老院:测量倾斜度以安置痴呆症患者)使用了与北达科他州痴呆症护理服务项目合作的看护者提供的数据来解决此问题,并且他们表明向看护者询问他们对地点的偏好可以等同于要求他们在特定时间放置。他们认为,倾斜是护理人员更容易提供的信息,并且减轻了护理人员和患者的负担。改善痴呆症患者及其照顾者的生活质量的关键之一是要确保照顾者了解痴呆症患者的言语和行为的含义。 Teruo等(从自我意识的角度研究痴呆症患者的饮食行为)进行了一项研究,旨在解决这一复杂问题。幻觉很复杂,但是要更好地理解它们,我们需要确保它们没有被过度诊断或诊断不足。在对护理人员对“机构环境中痴呆症患者的钙化反应”的认知分析中,Cohen-Mansfield和Golander研究了养老院居民中痴呆症患者幻觉的含义和病因。



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