
The virtuous cycle.


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Family physicians advise patients to walk, run, and ride bicycles because these can be enjoyable, inexpensive, and convenient ways to exercise. However, finding a safe place to pursue these activities is a challenge for many patients. If exercise is inconvenient, does not feel safe, and is not fun, most of our patients will not do it for long. In most European cities, you will find far more people walking and cycling than you would in most cities in the United States. European cities were designed at a human or equine scale, with small shops and restaurants close to where people live. For more than 50 years, we have been designing American communities for the convenience of automobiles rather than people (often constrained by outdated zoning laws that force restaurants and shops to be far away from homes). As a result, restaurants, cafes, and stores that might make a good destination for a walk or bike trip are clustered along busy corridors far from residential areas. Many rural and suburban communities lack sidewalks, and rural roads often lack a paved shoulder.
机译:家庭医生建议患者走路,跑步和骑自行车,因为这些自行车可能是一种令人愉快,便宜且方便的运动方式。但是,找到安全的场所进行这些活动对许多患者来说都是一个挑战。如果运动不便,感觉不安全且不好玩,我们的大多数患者都不会长期这样做。在大多数欧洲城市中,走路和骑自行车的人数量要比美国大多数城市中多得多。欧洲城市是按人或马规模设计的,附近有小商店和餐馆。 50多年来,我们一直在设计美国社区,以方便汽车而非人(通常受过时的分区法律约束,迫使餐馆和商店远离家乡)。结果,饭店,咖啡馆和商店可能是散步或骑自行车的理想目的地,聚集在远离居民区的繁忙走廊上。许多农村和郊区社区缺少人行道,而农村道路通常缺乏铺砌的路肩。



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