首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Avian Biology >Density-dependent increase in superpredation linked to food limitation in a recovering population of northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis

Density-dependent increase in superpredation linked to food limitation in a recovering population of northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis


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A better understanding of the mechanisms driving superpredation, the killing of smaller mesopredators by larger apex predators, is important because of the crucial role superpredation can play in structuring communities and because it often involves species of conservation concern. Here we document how the extent of superpredation has changed over time, and assessed the impact of such temporal variation on local mesopredator populations using 40 yr of dietary data collected from a recovering population of northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis, an archetypical avian superpredator. We then assessed which mechanisms were driving variation in superpredation, e.g. was it opportunistic, a response to food becoming limited (due to declines in preferred prey) or to reduce competition. Raptors comprised 8% of goshawk diet on average in years when goshawk abundance was high, which is higher than reported elsewhere. Additionally, there was a per capita increase in superpredation as goshawks recovered, with the proportion of goshawk diet comprising raptors increasing from 2 to 8% as the number of goshawk home-ranges increased from 14 to 25. This increase in superpredation coincided with a population decline in the most commonly killed mesopredator, the Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus, which may represent the reversal of the mesopredator release' process (i.e. mesopredator suppression) which occurred after goshawks and other large raptors declined or were extirpated. Food limitation was the most likely driver of superpredation in this system given: 1) the substantial decline of two main prey groups in goshawk diet, the increase in diet diversity and decrease in goshawk reproductive success are all consistent with the goshawk population becoming food-limited; 2) it's unlikely to be purely opportunistic as the increase in superpredation did not reflect changes in the availability of mesopredator species; and 3) the majority of mesopredators killed by goshawks do not compete with goshawks for food or nest sites.
机译:更好地理解驾驶超级分子的机制,通过较大的顶点捕食者杀死较小的凹陷器,这是重要的,因为在结构化社区中可以在结构化的重要角色中起作用并且往往涉及保护问题的物种。在这里,我们记录超级分析的程度如何随着时间的推移而改变,并评估了使用从北羊毛队的北加斯特·禽超级专家北部羊皮王子Gentilis收集的饮食数据中的40岁饮食数据对局部化学器群体的影响。然后,我们评估了哪些机制是超级分子的变化,例如,是它的机会主义,对食物的反应是有限的(由于优先猎物的下降)或减少竞争。在Goshawk丰富高的几年里,猛龙队平均占Goshawk饮食的8%,这高于其他地方报告。此外,随着苍鹰恢复的苍头燕子的比例,由于苍头克家庭范围从14到25增加,羊毛克饮食的比例恢复了羊毛穴饮食的比例,从2%增加到8%。超级间隔恰逢一股最常见的肉豆蔻器,欧亚Kestrel Falco Tinnunculus的下降,这可能代表羊皮饼和其他大猛龙队在羊草和其他大猛龙队下降或被灭绝之后发生的脱模器释放的过程(即凹陷抑制)的逆转。粮食限制是该系统中最有可能的超级驾驶员:1)Goshawk饮食中的两个主要猎物群体的大幅下降,饮食多样性的增加和Goshawk生殖成功的减少均符合Goshawk人口成为食物限制; 2)由于超级分子的增加没有反映中质剂物种的可用性的变化,这不太可能是纯粹的机会主义; 3)Goshawks杀死的大多数中间人没有与食物或巢穴网站的苍鹰竞争。



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