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Cysticercosis: an emerging parasitic disease.


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Cysticercosis (i.e., tapeworm infection) is an increasingly common medical problem in the United States, especially in the Southwest and other areas of heavy emigration from endemic areas or in populations with significant travel to these areas. The larval stage of the pork tape-worm, Taenia solium, causes the clinical syndrome of cysticercosis, with humans as dead-end hosts after ingestion of T solium eggs. Its clinical effects vary depending on site of larval lodging, larval burden, and host reaction. These effects include seizures, headaches, focal neurologic symptoms, visual disturbances, and localized skeletal muscle nodules and pain. Cysticercosis should be considered in any patient from an endemic area presenting with these symptoms. Treatment varies with the clinical presentation. Parenchymal neurocysticercosis generally is treated with albendazole in conjunction with steroids to limit edema and with antiepileptic medications for seizure control. Ocular and extraocular muscle cysticercosis generally requires surgical intervention. Skeletal muscle cysts are surgically removed only if painful. Because cysts can lodge in multiple locations, all patients with cysticercosis should have an ophthalmologic examination to rule out ocular involvement, and all patients with extraneurologic cysticercosis should have computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain to rule out neurocysticercosis.
机译:在美国,囊虫病(即tape虫感染)是一个越来越普遍的医学问题,尤其是在西南地区以及其他从地方病地区或大量前往这些地区的人口大量迁徙的地区。猪tape虫(Taenia solium)的幼虫阶段会引起囊虫病的临床综合症,人类在摄入T so​​虫卵后成为死胡同。其临床效果取决于幼虫倒伏,幼虫负担和宿主反应的部位。这些影响包括癫痫发作,头痛,局灶性神经系统症状,视觉障碍以及局部骨骼肌结节和疼痛。患有这些症状的地方病区的任何患者都应考虑囊虫病。治疗因临床表现而异。实质性神经囊虫病通常用阿苯达唑联合类固醇治疗以限制水肿,并用抗癫痫药治疗癫痫发作。眼和眼外肌囊尾rc病通常需要手术干预。仅在疼痛时才通过手术去除骨骼肌囊肿。因为囊肿可以在多个位置滞留,所以所有囊尾rc病患者都应该接受眼科检查以排除眼部受累,并且所有神经外囊尾rc病患者都应进行计算机断层扫描或脑磁共振成像以排除神经囊尾osis病。



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