首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Information Warfare >A Social Contract for Cyberspace

A Social Contract for Cyberspace


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A social contract is about the rights and responsibilities among the members of the society on one hand and the state and government on the other. Cyberspace, by serving as a unique global platform for the connection and communication of its billions of users, creates its own social structure and thereby forms a new regulatory ecosystem. The societal reform that is facilitated by cyberspace challenges the traditional understanding of rights and responsibilities that shape social contract theory. The disinformation campaigns, the spread of hate speech, and the emergence of systemic algorithmic discrimination are examples that illustrate the need for new rules and social agreements between all stakeholders. This research aims to manifest the necessity of a social contract for the digital era. The study will first review the social contract theory and in particular, the classic works of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau and then specify the challenges that the state, the corporate sector and civil society face. The study concludes that the construction of a social contract between governments, citizens and companies, is still in its early phase. The enforcement of greater transparency, the implementation of new market regulations and above all the building of trust will enable the emergence of a new social contract.
机译:社会合同是关于社会成员的权利和责任,一方面是另一方面的国家和政府。网络空间,通过作为其数十亿用户的连接和沟通的独特全球平台,创造了自己的社会结构,从而形成了一个新的监管生态系统。被网络空间促进的社会改革挑战了传统的对塑造社会契约理论的权利和责任的认识。 DISInnation运动,仇恨言论的传播和系统性算法歧视的出现是说明所有利益攸关方之间的新规则和社会协议的例子。本研究旨在表现出数字时代社会契约的必要性。该研究将首先审查社会契约理论,特别是霍布斯,洛克和卢梭的经典作品,然后指定国家,企业部门和民间社会面临的挑战。该研究的结论是,政府,公民和公司之间建设社会契约,仍处于早期阶段。更加透明度的实施,新的市场规定的实施,最重要的全部建设将使新社会合同的出现。



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