首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Physiology >Effects of carbohydrate types on larval development and adult traits in a polyphagous fruit fly

Effects of carbohydrate types on larval development and adult traits in a polyphagous fruit fly


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Nutrition is a major mediator of insect life-history trait expression. While the role of macronutrient (carbohydrate and protein) balance on trait expression has received substantial attention, the implications of different classes of specific macronutrients remains virtually unexplored. Here, we addressed this gap by varying the type of carbohydrate in larval diets of the polyphagous fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (aka 'Queensland fruit fly'). Sourcing insects from a colony maintained using larval diets that contain sucrose, we assessed the effects of sucrose, maltose, and lactose on larval development and adult traits. Replacement of sucrose with lactose resulted in slow larval growth, as well as decreases in pupation, adult emergence and adult body weight for both sexes, although adult lipid reserves were unaffected. Sucrose and maltose were equivalent in terms of larval growth, pupation, adult emergence and adult weight of both sexes. Surprisingly, adults from larvae reared on diets containing maltose had lower lipid reserves than adults from larvae reared on diets containing either lactose or sucrose. The sex ratio of adults at emergence from larvae reared on diets containing lactose and maltose was balanced, but was female-biased in adults from larvae reared on diets containing sucrose. Our results show that carbohydrate sources are not equivalent for development of the Queensland fruit fly, affecting both larval development and adult traits. These findings have implications for understanding the ecology of this highly polyphagous species which infests fruits with highly diverse carbohydrate contents, as well as for the rearing and management of this pest species.
机译:营养是昆虫生命历史特质表达的主要介体。虽然Macronurient(碳水化合物和蛋白质)的作用在特质表达上得到了大量关注,但不同类别的特异性常量营养素的影响几乎是未开发的。在这里,我们通过改变多功果果蝇Bactrocera Tryoni(Aka'Queensland Fly')的幼虫饮食中的碳水化合物类型来解决这一差距。我们从含有蔗糖的幼虫饮食维持的菌落中的昆虫,我们评估了蔗糖,麦芽糖和乳糖对幼虫发育和成人性状的影响。含有乳糖的蔗糖替代导致幼虫生长缓慢,以及蛹化,成人出苗和两性成人体重减少,尽管成人脂质储备不受影响。蔗糖和麦芽糖在幼虫生长,蛹,成人出苗和两性的成人重量方面是等同的。令人惊讶的是,幼虫的成年人饲养含有麦芽糖的饮食中的脂质储存比来自幼虫的成年人饲养在含有乳糖或蔗糖的饮食中。幼虫的成年人的性别比率均衡含有乳糖和麦芽糖的饮食均衡,但在幼虫的成年人中是女性偏见的,幼虫饲养含有蔗糖的饮食。我们的研究结果表明,碳水化合物来源对昆士兰果蝇的发展不等同,影响幼虫发育和成人特征。这些发现对理解这种高度多变态物种的生态学的影响,这些方法具有高度多样化的碳水化合物内容物,以及对这种害虫物种的饲养和管理。



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