首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health services research & policy >Does rural health system reform aimed at improving access to primary health care affect hospitalization rates? An interrupted time series analysis of national policy reforms in Iran

Does rural health system reform aimed at improving access to primary health care affect hospitalization rates? An interrupted time series analysis of national policy reforms in Iran

机译:农村卫生系统改革是否旨在改善对初级保健影响住院费率的进入? 伊朗国家政策改革中断的时间序列分析

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Objectives To evaluate the effects of rural health insurance and family physician reforms on hospitalization rates in Iran. Methods An interrupted time series analysis of national monthly hospitalization rates in Iran (2003-2014), starting from two years before the intervention. Segmented regression analysis was used to assess the effects of the reforms on hospitalization rates. Results The analyses showed that hospitalization rates increased one year after the initiation of the reforms: 1.55 (95% CI: 1.24-1.86) additional hospitalizations per 1000 rural inhabitants per month ('immediate effect'). This increase was followed by a further gradual increase of 0.034 per 1000 inhabitants per month (95% CI: 0.02-0.04). The gradual monthly increase continued for two years after the reforms. The higher hospitalization rates were maintained in the following years. We observed a significant increase in hospitalization rates at a national level in rural areas that continued for over 10 years after the policy implementation. Conclusion Primary health care reforms are often proposed for their efficiency outcomes (i.e. reduction in costs and use of hospitals) as well as their impact on improving health outcomes. We demonstrated that in populations with unmet needs, such reforms are likely to substantially increase hospitalization rates. This is an important consideration for successful design and implementation of interventions aimed at achieving universal health coverage in low- and middle-income countries.
机译:旨在评估农村健康保险和家庭医师改革对伊朗住院率的影响。方法从干预前两年开始,伊朗全国月度住院率的中断时间序列分析(2003 - 2014年)。分段回归分析用于评估改革对住院率的影响。结果分析表明,住院率在改革启动后一年增加:1.55(95%CI:1.24-1.86)每月每月每月居民的其他住院治疗(“立即效应”)。随后,每月每1000人居民的进一步增加0.034(95%CI:0.02-0.04)。改革后,逐步的月度增加持续两年。在接下来的几年中,较高的住院费率保持着较高的住院费率。我们观察到在政策实施后持续10年的农村地区的国家一级的住院率大幅增加。结论初级卫生保健改革往往提出其效率结果(即减少费用和医院的使用)以及对改善健康成果的影响。我们证明,在具有未满足需求的人群中,这种改革可能会显着增加住院费率。这是为了成功设计和实施旨在实现低收入和中等收入国家的普遍健康覆盖的措施的重要考虑因素。



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