首页> 外文期刊>Journal of immigrant and minority health >Overseas Hepatitis B Vaccinations Among Newly Arrived Cubans in Texas-2010-2015

Overseas Hepatitis B Vaccinations Among Newly Arrived Cubans in Texas-2010-2015

机译:在德克萨斯州的新抵达古巴人的海外乙型肝炎疫苗接种 - 2010-2015

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We assessed hepatitis B virus (HBV) serologic results among newly arrived Cubans with vaccination documentation. We matched the post-arrival health assessment HBV serologic results of Cubans who arrived during 2010-2015 in Texas with their overseas hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination records in the CDC's Electronic Disease Notification database and calculated the proportion of those immune due to HepB vaccinations. Among 2123 who had overseas HepB vaccination and serologic results, 1072 (50.5%) had three valid documented doses of HepB. Of these 1072, 441 (41.1%) were immune due to HepB vaccination, 24 (2.2%), immune due to natural infection, 599 (55.9%), susceptible to HBV, and 8 (0.7%), HBV infected. Stratified by age, 21 (87.5%) of 24 children 5 years of age showed protection, and the antibody to HepB surface antigen (anti-HBs) decreased as age increased. Our findings concurred with previous observations that anti-HBs serologic results wane over time. Many newly arrived Cubans with complete HepB vaccination records on the U.S. Department of State overseas vaccination forms might be immune despite 10 mIU/mL anti-HBs response levels.
机译:我们评估了乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)血清学结果,在新到达古巴人的疫情文件中。我们与古巴人的后到达后健康评估HBV血清血清血清课程在德克萨斯州德克萨斯州的德克萨斯州抵达德克萨斯州的海外乙型肝炎(HEPB)疫苗接种数据库,并计算出由于HEPB疫苗接种而免疫的比例。在2123中有海外HEPB疫苗接种和血清学结果,1072(50.5%)有三种有效的HEPB。在这些1072,441(41.1%)中由于Hepb疫苗接种,24(2.2%),免疫因天然感染而免疫,599(55.9%),易读HBV,8(0.7%),感染HBV。按年龄分层,21例(87.5%)24例儿童& 5岁的年龄显示保护,并且随着年龄的增长,对Hepb表面抗原(抗HBS)的抗体降低。我们的发现同意以前的观察结果,抗HBS血清态结果随着时间的推移而衰亡。许多新抵达的古巴人在美国国家海外疫苗接种形式上有完整的HEPB疫苗接种记录,尽管如此,可能是免疫的。 10 mIU / mL抗HBS反应水平。



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