首页> 外文期刊>Journal of human genetics >A Chinese homozygote of familial hypercholesterolemia: identification of a novel C263R mutation in the LDL receptor gene.

A Chinese homozygote of familial hypercholesterolemia: identification of a novel C263R mutation in the LDL receptor gene.


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Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene; it is characterized by a high concentration of LDL, which frequently gives rise to tendon xanthomas and premature coronary artery disease (CAD). Individuals with heterozygous FH in China often exhibit a milder phenotype than those in other countries. The diagnosis of heterozygous FH relies on the clinical phenotype and this does not always permit unequivocal diagnosis of the disease. In the course of investigation of FH in a Chinese population sample, we found a family whose proband showed a markedly raised concentration of LDL cholesterol in plasma, and the presence of skin and tendon xanthomata. We used single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to screen all the 18 exons and the exon-intron boundaries of the LDLR gene. One novel homozygous mutation, replacing T by C at nucleotide 850 in exon 6 was identified. This change substituted cysteine for arginine at codon 263 (C263R) of the LDLR. By means of mutant allele-specific amplification, we unequivocally diagnosed six heterozygotes with this novel mutation in the proband's family. forms of heterozygous FH are characterized by high serum LDL cholesterol levels, which are usually associated with premature coronary heart disease (CHD) and tendon xanthomas in early middle age, while homozygous FH individuals frequently suffer fatal CHD by their third decade (Goldstein et al. 1995). To date, more than 200 different mutations of the LDLR gene have been characterized worldwide (Hobbs et al. 1990; Hobbs et al. 1992; Varret et al. 1997). Chinese individuals with heterozygous FH are often recognized by virtue of their being parents of offspring with mutations in both alleles of the LDLR gene (Mak et al. 1998). Unlike their heterozygous parents, the Chinese homozygous FH patients are as severely affected, as are those elsewhere (Sun et al. 1994). In this article, we present an investigation of a Chinese family whose proband, with severe hypercholesterolemia, carried a novel mutation of the LDLR gene in a homozygous form, while the other six patients in the family, who carried this mutation in a heterozygous form, have a milder phenotype of FH. The main objective of our analysis was to delineate the full spectrum of mutations that underline FH in the Chinese population; our work represents a first step towards the implementation of nationwide DNA testing for this disease.
机译:家族性高胆固醇血症(FH)是由低密度脂蛋白受体(LDLR)基因突变引起的常染色体显性障碍;它的特征在于高浓度的LDL,其经常产生肌腱Xanthomas和早产冠状动脉疾病(CAD)。杂合性FH在中国的个人往往表现出比其他国家更雄死的表型。杂合FH的诊断依赖于临床表型,这并不总是允许对疾病的概念诊断。在中国人口样本中FH的调查过程中,我们发现了一个血浆中的血浆中LDL胆固醇显着浓度的家庭,以及皮肤和肌腱Xanthomata的存在。我们使用单链构象多态性(SSCP)分析来筛选所有18个外显子和LDLR基因的内外界限。鉴定了一种新的纯合突变,在外显子6中替代核苷酸850替换C的C。该改变在LDLR的密码子263(C263R)的精氨酸中取代半胱氨酸。通过突变体等等位基因特异性扩增,我们明确诊断出六种杂合象,在证据的家庭中具有这种新的突变。杂合性FH的形式的特征在于高血清LDL胆固醇水平,其通常与早期中年冠心病(CHD)和肌腱XONTOMA相关,而纯合的FH个体经常在第三十年中遭受致命的CHD(Goldstein等人。 1995)。迄今为止,全球已经在全球范围内的200多种不同的LDLR基因突变(Hobbs等人1990; Hobbs等,1992; Varret等,1997)。具有杂合FH的中国人经常通过他们的父母在LDLR基因的两位等位基因中进行后代的父母认识到(Mak等人1998)。与其杂合的父母不同,中国纯合的FH患者与其他地方一样严重影响(Sun等人1994)。在本文中,我们展示了一种中文家庭,其证书具有严重的高胆固醇血症,以纯合形式进行了新的LDLR基因突变,而其他六名患者在杂合形式中携带这种突变,有一个较温和的fh表型。我们分析的主要目的是描绘中国人口强调FH的全部突变;我们的作品代表了对这种疾病进行全国DNA测试的第一步。



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