首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health care finance. >The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's provisions regarding medical loss ratios and quality: evidence from Texas.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's provisions regarding medical loss ratios and quality: evidence from Texas.


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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) includes a provision that penalizes insurance companies if their Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) falls below a specified threshold. The MLR is roughly measured as the ratio of health care expenses to premiums paid by enrollees. I investigate whether there is a relationship between MLRs and the quality of care provided by insurance companies.I employ a ten-year sample of market-level financial data and quality variables for Texas insurers, as well as relevant control variables, in regression analyses that utilize insurer and market fixed effects.Of the 15 quality measures, only one has a statistically significant relationship with the MLR. For this measure, the relationship is negative.Although the MLR provision may provide incentives for insurance companies to lower premiums, this sample does not suggest that there is likely to be a beneficial effect on quality.
机译:患者保护和实惠的护理法案(PPACA)包括一项规定,如果其医疗损失率(MLR)低于规定的门槛,则罚款。 MLR大致被测量为医疗费用与登记额支付的保费的比率。 我调查了MLR的关系和保险公司提供的护理质量之间是否存在关系.I在回归分析中雇用了德克萨斯保险公司的十年市场水平金融数据和质量变量,以及相关控制变量 利用保险公司和市场固定效果。根据15质量措施,只有一个与MLR具有统计上显着的关系。 对于这种措施,这种关系是负面的。虽然MLR规定可以为保险公司提供激励措施,但该样本并不表明可能对质量有益效果。



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