首页> 外文期刊>Journal of general plant pathology >New races of the spinach downy mildew pathogen, Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae, in Japan in 2017

New races of the spinach downy mildew pathogen, Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae, in Japan in 2017

机译:菠菜霜霉病霉病病原体,Peronospora Farinosa F的新种族。 SP。 Spinaciae,2017年日本

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Six isolates of spinach downy mildew fungus, Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae, collected from Saitama and Ibaraki Prefectures in 2017 were identified. Three isolates collected from Saitama Prefecture in January differed from all the known races described by the International Seed Federation but their virulence was similar to that of strain UA1014 sampled in the USA in 2014. Isolate Iba17-2, collected from Ibaraki Prefecture in April, was identified as race 10; isolates Iba17-1 and Iba17-3, collected from the same region in February and May, did not match any known races and were coded as novel races, J17-1 and J17-2, respectively.
机译:菠菜霜霉病真菌,Peronospora farinosa f的六分离物。 SP。 确定了2017年从埼玉和茨城县收集的Spinaciae。 1月份从埼玉县收集的三个分离株与国际种子联合会描述的所有已知种族不同,但它们的毒力与2014年美国在美国采样的菌株UA1014的毒力相似。四月从茨城县收集的孤立IBA17-2是 确定为参加比赛10; 分离在2月份和5月的同一地区收集的IBA17-1和IBA17-3与任何已知的种族都不匹配,分别被编码为新颖的比赛,J17-1和J17-2。



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